With the participation of knitted rabbis: Bennett convened the Bible Circle

by time news

Prime Minister Bennett decided a few weeks ago to renew the Bible Circle at the Prime Minister’s House, and today (Tuesday) he convened the traditional circle at the Ben Gurion House in Tel Aviv. He wrote: Ben-Gurion, at the Ben-Gurion House in Tel Aviv. “

As we recall, we published that the crocheted journalist Emily Amroussi refused the prime minister’s request to attend the event, but it seems that there were crocheted rabbis who did agree. Among the rabbis who participated in the class were Rabbi Eyal Vered, Rabbi Avichai Katzin and Rabbi Krim. , Tamar Bitton, Adv. Yehoshua Argaman, Prof. Yaira Amit and Prof. Haviva Pedia.

Bennett: “The Bible is the secret of our existence”

Bennett wrote on social media: “This book is the secret of our existence and its relevance is inconceivable. Every Saturday I study with my children different passages of the Bible, and every time I return to the passage I have already read, I find different angles – as a child, soldier, student, parent and head government. “I asked today that we focus on the unity of Israel, a unity that is not just in words – but exists in our Israeli reality.”

He shared the words of the participants in the class, among them Rabbi Eyal Vered and the Rabbi. Genesis is full of civil wars, but there are two brothers who are not many – Peretz and Zerach who have become a symbol of closeness. They did not quarrel because their father Judah saw his family falling apart and realized that his path was wrong. Responsibility has an immediate and corrective effect. “

Rabbi: “This verbal violence led to the exile of Egypt and the destruction of the house”

“The Chief Military Rabbi, Brigadier General Rabbi Eyal Krim, said that if someone in the Second Temple period did not think exactly like us – we had legitimacy to call him a Sadducee and a heretic. This verbal violence led to the exile from Egypt and the destruction of the house. Words led to bloodshed. The pyramid of virtues and the way of the land is the one on which the tower of the Torah is built. “

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