Macron at the bedside of the health system in a hospital center in Cherbourg

by time news

Congested hospitals, growing medical deserts, “loss of meaning” of the profession for staff: faced with a “systemic crisis” in the world of health, Emmanuel Macron drew on Tuesday with professionals the outlines of his vast “health” project in s attacking the emergency services crisis first.

For the first trip of his new five-year term, the Head of State arrived around 5:45 p.m., nearly 1:45 a.m. behind schedule, at the Cherbourg Hospital Center with the new Minister of Health, Brigitte Bourguignon, in because of a European summit in Brussels dedicated to supporting Ukraine, which went into extra time.

In the corridors of the hospital, the Head of State was quickly challenged by several members of staff wishing to “sound the alarm” on the situation at the hospital and in particular those of the emergencies where all the lights are red.

In response, Mr. Macron announced the launch of a new “one-month mission on unscheduled care” entrusted to the president of Samu-Urgences de France, François Braun.

“Territory by territory”, she must explain “where are the gaps, be able to quantify them” and give the first leads to respond to this problem, detailed the Head of State.

Night closings, “load shedding” on other hospitals, access filtered by the Samu: at least 120 emergency services have been forced to limit their activity or are preparing for it.

In total, almost 20% of the approximately 620 establishments, public and private, hosting one or more emergency services are affected. In Cherbourg, unless there is a vital emergency, only a prior call to 15 can allow admission at certain times.

At the end of a round table with “all the actors of health” (emergency physicians, nurses, general practitioners, administration), Mr. Macron also specified launching “from July” his major conference on health with all stakeholders.

There is “a real collective revolution to be made”, he pleaded.

Radioscopy of the difficulties “territory by territory”, “hospital by hospital”, this project must, according to Emmanuel Macron, make it possible to “build very concrete solutions” adapted to each of the 1,200 intermunicipalities “on the basis of the national specifications” but also with the promise of additional means that the Head of State envisages in “billions of euros”.

– Revaluation without delay –

“There is an urgent need to act to ensure the continuity of care everywhere in the territories, no longer in a few years but in a few weeks”, alarmed the president of the national order of nurses, Patrick Chamboredon.

For Frédéric Valletoux, president of the French Hospital Federation (FHF), revaluations must be decided without delay and the public hospital will no longer be able, in the future, to compensate for the weaknesses of the entire health system.

By reconnecting with these field trips, Emmanuel Macron breaks with a long parenthesis, since his re-investiture on May 7, during which he consulted a lot but spoke little on national subjects.

The Head of State intends to deny those who, even in his majority, are worried about a lack of breath at the start of the five-year term 12 days before the first round of the legislative elections.

“There is no state of grace, we knew that from the start,” conceded LREM deputy Xavier Iacovelli on Tuesday, considering it more difficult to embody the break with a second five-year term.

President Macron, who has also made school one of his priorities, will also take stock Thursday in Marseille with the new Minister of National Education Pap Ndiaye on the “school of the future” experiment launched in 59 establishments. from the city.

This experiment, initiated in September 2021 by the president in a “Marseille en grand” plan, aims to give more autonomy to educational teams for a “fairer and more inclusive” school system.

This project raises many questions, even firm opposition on the union ground, in particular the idea that school principals can “choose the teaching team”.

On this occasion, the Head of State will also mark his support for Pap Ndiaye, a renowned historian of minorities and the target of a barrage from the far right.


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