The Toulouse company Telegrafik analyzes the hydration of seniors thanks to a connected glass

by time news

For an elderly person, dehydration can have serious consequences such as headaches, cognitive function disorders, kidney function disorders, falls, etc. To avoid these risks, the company Telegrafik, based in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne ), offers water monitoring for seniors in real time on its platform, via a connected glass called Auxivia, in partnership with the company BodyCAP, a specialist in connected objects dedicated to monitoring people.

“From ultrasonic signals sent from the base of the glass upwards, it calculates the quantity of liquid remaining, explains Sébastien Moussay, president of BodyCAP. It is also able to differentiate if the glass has been drunk or spilled. Bright language reflecting water intake history also encourages people to drink regularly, thus promoting their autonomy for regular hydration. »

The data collected is transferred automatically, analyzed by an artificial intelligence system, then made available to carers or caregivers, whether on site or remotely, through the Telegrafik platform.

A hundred establishments equipped in France

“Each connected glass is clearly identified for each person, via a bracelet, whether they are in the refectory or in their room, specifies Carole Zisa-Garat, founder of Telegrafik, operator of connected solutions for aging well. At the end of the day, the glasses are recharged and unload their data allowing to know the exact quantity drunk. This connected solution fits perfectly into the usual operation of establishments or at home”.

This device is intended for professionals in nursing homes and those involved in home care for the elderly. Auxivia already equips around a hundred establishments in France, including the Omeris Group, and in Belgium.

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