Examine yourself ‘easy to bleed, doesn’t stop flowing’ or not, you know quickly, you can adapt, you will live a long life.

by time news

Examine yourself ‘easy to bleed, doesn’t stop flowing’ or not, you know quickly, you can adapt, you will live a long life.

When you get into an accident and bleed I quickly washed the wound and closed the wound well, but eh! Why doesn’t our blood stop flowing? This condition, we may be suffering from bleeding easily and difficult to stop, also known as ‘Hemophilia’

Prof. Dr. Polpat Rojnakarin, MD. President of the Hematological Association of Thailand said at the seminar “Preventive Treatment Guidelines for Patients with Bleeding Prone Disease (Hemophilia)” Organized by The Hematology Society of Thailand together with network partners that hemophilia It is easy to bleed. Only hereditary

By the nature of the general human body to stop bleeding. There will be a coagulation factor of 1-13 if one of these factors is missing. will cause bleeding In hemophilia, factor 8 or 9 is lacking, causing it to bleed easily. And with the blood can’t stop This may cause bruises on the body. Bleeding in joints and muscles if it happens often may cause deterioration

Prof. Dr. Polpat Rojnakarin, MD.

“Osteoarthritis is typically seen in patients over 60 years of age, but in patients with frequent bleeding hemophilia, perhaps 20-30 years old, the joints are already deteriorating. Some people may need a cane, wheelchair, and joint replacement surgery. Some people with bleeding from vital organs, such as the brain, can die. In the case of minor surgery, such as tooth extraction, sometimes the bleeding will not stop. It can be very dangerous as well.”

As for how to know if it is this disease, Prof. Dr. Polphat said it came from a blood test. and see if there is a history of bleeding easily and difficult to stop or family members who have this disease? Most of the time, the disease occurs in males. If there is a family history Especially the aunt had this disease. It will indicate that you may also have this disease.

“99% of people with this disease are males due to the presence of only one ex chromosome. If it’s lost, it’s nonexistent. Females have two exchromosomes, however, whether male or female. can be a carrier can pass on this disease to offspring.”

But hemophilia is not severe in all cases. For example, a normal person has a factor of 100 percent, but if the factor is low between 5-40, it starts with hemophilia. But it is a mild type. no spontaneous bleeding But if the tooth is extracted to fall a little It could be severe bleeding. but in case the factor is less than 1 percent

These patients have frequent spontaneous bleeding. maybe several times a month leading to osteoarthritis Currently, there are 1,828 registered hemophilia cases in Thailand, possibly lower than the global incidence of hemophilia at one patient per 5,000 people, which Thailand should. There will be tens of thousands of these patients.

Currently, there are preventive treatments for hemophilia. Do not wait for the patient to have symptoms of bleeding first. But injecting the factor into the body through a vein on a weekly basis. to increase the factor value higher to the extent that the blood cannot spontaneously

which Assoc. Prof. Darin Sosothikul, Head of Pediatric Hematology and Cancer Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University explains that this type of treatment is very beneficial. especially in children who do not have to miss school You can live, play sports, play football with your friends, but at a high cost.

Assoc. Prof. Darin Sosothikul, MD.

and how hard But now there are new treatments coming in, namely injecting the non-factor under the skin, the blood can coagulate, which is easy to inject, the patient can do it himself at home. injected only once a month It will make the quality of life of patients very good. including gene therapy treatment to make the patient cured of this disease

which in foreign countries has successfully treated By dressing unusual jeans to be normal. It is expected that within 10 years from now, this method can be used to help treat Thai patients.

life must be better

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