After the investigation by the Securities Authority: An application was submitted for the liquidation of real estate targets

by time news

Investor in the group “Real Estate Destinations“Owned by Moti Abergil, who is under investigation inISA On suspicion of investor fraud, he initiated proceedings Insolvency Against the members of the group: “Goals Center for Courses” and “MA Goals Board”. This is after Abergil stopped paying him a loan repayment of NIS 600,000. The remaining debt is NIS 320,000. The investor requests that a temporary trustee be appointed for the companies.

Globes has learned that in recent days Abergele has sent a message in his voice to investors, in which he asked them to wait with the liquidation request and allow him to try to get the money. At the same time in court, he claims that he is insolvent and is expected to receive millions of shekels from companies he owns.

In an application submitted to the Lod District Court by Adv. Or Adini, the investor claims that the companies are insolvent. He told creditors: “In an unambiguous way because the companies’ assets are smaller than their liabilities.”

“Divide and rule” tactics

In addition, there is a concern about the preference for paid creditors for some investors. “Sometimes companies even offer to convert the debt in the real estate owned by the companies, while preferring creditors and smuggling assets, and at the expense of the other creditors of the companies. The companies do so using the” divide and rule “tactic Written in a petition filed in court.

Since the Securities Authority investigation, Abergel has held separate meetings with investors with the aim of delaying lawsuits and liquidation requests against him. He promised at meetings to return the money, and with some even made agreements. From a Globes survey with five investors – to date no or some of the funds have been returned despite the promises.

In a message sent to investors this week, Abergele addressed their hearts asking them to wait patiently for a solution to the crisis. “Nothing was done maliciously” he said and asked them to wait patiently while he tried to obtain funds, and would not rush to ask for the dissolution of the companies.

“The company is unable to meet its obligations even in recent agreements. There is an absurd situation that the company has money but it can not deposit because there are foreclosures. I am working to remove the foreclosures,” he said, adding: “It is not easy. I work 14 hours a day to make many moves. The money. It may not return the money tomorrow morning but they will secure the money. “A joint costs a lot of money and the money is taken from the investors. It will not speed up the money. Looking for a creative solution so you can get money or real estate.

Arbagil’s companies claim in court through the Barnea Jafa Landa office that they have not reached a state of insolvency, but that there is a temporary cash flow problem and that the extreme relief sought will cause immense damage to companies, their creditors and employees and is not bound by reality. According to the companies, the fund’s reports reflect a picture that it deserves receipts of more than NIS 12 million.

The companies state that they are acting “to liquidate and advance rights from assets and receipts due to them to repay their obligations, which significantly exceed the applicant’s alleged debt.”

Advocate Adini, representing the investor, stated that “the companies’ claim that they are insolvent or that this is a temporary cash flow distress are baseless claims. Time and time again, creditors seek to get what they deserve and respond to promises that the company does not keep. If the companies do ‘roll over’ millions of shekels (and we do not believe it) that do not reach creditors, this is a much more serious situation and one can only wonder where the money is going? “

The Securities Authority’s investigation against Abergele is in progress. In March this year he was questioned on suspicion of investor fraud. Abergele is suspected of fraudulent securities offenses, receiving anything fraudulently, offering and selling securities without a prospectus and money laundering. He is suspected that between the years 2018-2021 he acted together with others, through private companies to sell securities to the investing public, while raising more than 100 investors in tens of millions of shekels, misleading investors and presenting false representations regarding their investment and fraudulently transferring investors’ money. Private or not for the benefit of the investment for which they were raised.

*** Presumption of innocence: The investigation into the case of Moti Abergil has not yet been completed. He has not been convicted and is presumed innocent.

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