The pilot fell asleep, and the control tower declared a kidnapping situation

by time news

Flights (unsplash photo)

Pilot of the Italian airline ITA Airways He was fired after apparently falling asleep while flying a passenger plane, causing a media outage and a terror alert, the Italian newspaper reported Republic. The flight departed on April 30 from New York for Rome, and for 10 minutes there was no response from the plane as it flew over French airspace.

The lack of response naturally caused concern among the French authorities, who warned the Italian authorities that Airbus A330 May be hostage to a kidnapping terrorist. In the company ITA It was estimated that the captain and co-pilot fell asleep briefly while in the cockpit. The co-pilot was at that time on “controlled rest,” while he was allowed to, but the captain had to be awake.

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The pilot denied any wrongdoing and claimed that there was a failure in the communication system, which meant that he could not respond to the French authorities. The ‘Republic’ also reported that authorities in France had informed two fighter jets to prepare to fly next to the plane to see what was happening in the cockpit.

After the Italian authorities were warned of a possible terrorist attack on the plane, they contacted ITA, Who tried to reach the pilots using their cell phones. The two pilots responded after a 10-minute silence and authorities in France withdrew the terror alert. The plane arrived in Rome 20 minutes ahead of schedule, according to the report.

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The airline told the Republic that the pilot was fired from his job after an investigation revealed that his behavior did not comply with the procedure during the flight and after landing. airline ITA He told the Telegraph that passenger safety was not compromised during the incident.

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