5,000 testimonials from supporters received by Liverpool in 24 hours

by time news

Liverpool Football Club executive director Billy Hogan said the club had received 5,000 responses to its testimonial collection platform about the Stade France incidents on Saturday, saying “horrifiedby what he read. “It’s incredible. Tuesday afternoon, just 24 hours after the launch of the form (to collect testimonials), we have more than 5,000 forms that have been filled out and sent, which is truly amazing.“, he explained in a video posted Tuesday evening on the club’s website. “Obviously this is an incredible amount of information so we ask for a little patience while we check in detail“, he added, about the Champions League final won by Real Madrid and marred by incidents around the Stade de France before kick-off.

Hogan went through some of the testimonials and “honestly, i am horrified by the way men, women and children, able-bodied people and others less so, were treated indiscriminately during the day on Saturday“, he underlined. The leader stressed that he was in contact with UEFA on the exact nature of the investigations that will be carried out around the match. “I had a conversation with UEFA (Tuesday evening) on ​​this point. There aren’t many details at this stage, it’s an ongoing process, but we want to make sure the right steps are taken to get the facts straight.“, he said. “Just an example, it may just be a difference in vocabulary but, in our minds, we called for an independent investigation and not an independent reportas UEFA announced on Monday. “So it’s very important to keep in touch with UEFA over the next few days.“, he underlined.

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Hogan also insisted that the entire evening, including after the game, be investigated. “We focused, rightly, on the problems of access to the Stade de France, but I think it is important not to lose sight of what happened after the match“, he noted. “We have all seen videos, photos, I have read a number of testimonies on absolutely horrible experiences leaving the stadium too – crimes committed, thefts (…) which must absolutely be included in the independent investigation“, he specified.

SEE ALSO – ‘I wouldn’t come back to Paris for football again’: Liverpool fans annoyed after Stade de France incidents

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