Rob Brezsny’s Horoscope – Week of June 2-8, 2022

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No one is more attached to the truth than you, Aries. No one knows how to disentangle and reveal the raw facts with more accuracy. In my Book of Life, your tribe is the beacon of objectivity and sincerity

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Before the XXe century, no one would have thought of buying pre-sliced ​​bread. Then, in 1912, American inventor Otto Frederick Rohwedder invented a bread slicing machine, but all his plans and

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“Some revelations can only come when you put your phone away and totally unplug from the networks for a while,” recalls a blogger publishing under the pseudonym

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At 60, feminist poet Carolyn Kizer was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry. In her youth, however, while she was still sharpening her pen, one of her creative writing teachers

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“It’s not often, I guess, that two people can laugh and have sex at the same time, that they’re having sex because they’re laughing and laughing because they’re having sex. Love and laughter have the

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I’m afraid you’re overdoing it in your quest for perfection, Virgo. Your determination to want to surpass yourself is certainly very commendable, and I can only encourage you to pursue this noble

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The Egyptian thinker Moustapha Mahmoud identified what he calls “the signs of love” : 1. feeling completely at ease with the loved one; 2. get rid of your mask; 3. be yourself and don’t

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“We cannot love each other without changing each other”, asserted the American writer Madeleine L’Engle. Keep this pearl of wisdom in mind, Scorpio, because now is the time to recognize

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“I always deserve the best possible treatment because I will never put up with anyone else”, decreed the English novelist Jane Austen, Sagittarius like you. “As soon as I enter a

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In 1963, Canadian Alice Munro and her husband, James, opened their own bookstore in Victoria, British Columbia. After two months of activity, Alice found that virtually none of the

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“True love of what you do is the answer to everything”, assures Serbian performance artist Marina Abramovic. I couldn’t say it better! Cultivate with passion the love of essential activities that

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An old tramp in a wheelchair, pushing her meager possessions in a supermarket trolley, approached me on the street: “Will you take me dancing? There is a nice grass track at the park.

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