“Márquez is an injured thoroughbred and the last hero of MotoGP”

by time news

He starts to get a little worried. in his house of Taradellshows us the hole where the Honda the 500cc with which he was proclaimed brand new world champion (1999). His friend (and trusted mechanic) asked for it, Javier Ullate for an exhibition of Mercedes, during the week of the F-1, and it has not yet been returned. Ok, yes, no problem, but it’s taking time. That room, in the garden, is sacred. There are their champion bikes: a derbythe JJ-Cobas 125cc… overalls for a tube, helmets, cups, photos. “She is my lioness”. A unique and secret place.

But, now, those who receive the pampering of one of the greatest champions of all time are five precious Arabian horses, which ‘Crivi’ cares for, brushes, feeds, rides and competes with them, cross-country, on his farm , close to his refuge, where he has the only two goats in the world that allow themselves to be petted. “I bought them because my daughter asked me for them and there they are, happier than anyone.”

cute horses

Crivillé, 52, began to ride, buy horses, breed and compete (“it’s like jogging every day, he ends up running marathons!”) as therapy to forget the noise and pressure of racing ( when he competed) and to overcome the disenchantment of retirement, when he left it. “Of course, with cross-country races, where the average is 20 km/h, you cannot detoxify yourself from the kick that a ‘500’ has, which, in first gear, was set at 160 km/h, so I took it easy, care and affection towards the horses. They became my friends and accomplices.”

And there’s the precious Zin and the no less beautiful California. And, beyond, in the hands of Miquelthe man who knows the most about horses in Spain, appear brushed, combed, clean, Starling, Calibu y Asifa. “You have to monitor them continuously, they cannot get sick, they cannot get injured, they must always be on a diet, they must run, they must jog, they must exercise and know that you love them, that you are for them, that you will ride them in a race. And, when there is a competition, the day before they notice it, they know it. Don’t ask me how, but they know.”

“I think Marc is the only driver who can’t race in any way. He only competes to put on a show and win. He couldn’t go on like this”

Alex Crivillé / Two-time motorcycling world champion

Crivillé has even gone to Dubai to compete with them, as one of the sheikhs sent him a special plane to pick up two of his horses in Brussels and compete against his. “It was impressive. You have to be careful because the horses are so faithful, they give themselves so much, so much, that for making you look good, for trying to beat superior horses and those of the sheikhs are from another galaxy, if you don’t watch them, they would die on the track for trying to keep up with the best.”

Come back and ‘champion’

We are in the week of the Catalan GP. The best, Marc Márquez, is being operated on today at the Mayor clinic in Rochester (USA). “I told him on Sunday night that he was happy because, finally, he stopped and this torture was going to end. I told him there was no point in him running like that. ‘You are the only one who cannot run without the possibility of being you, of running as you want and trying to win, which is the only thing that interests you,’ I told him. And he agreed with me ”, points out ‘Crivi’, who acknowledges that, as a spectator, he suffered a lot from Marc’s impotence.

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“Marc is a thoroughbred, now wounded, injured. He must go into surgery, have surgery, recover, go slowly and get back on track in shape. This is a sport of myths and Marc is the best hero we have ever had in MotoGP. It made no sense for him to continue without being able to be Marc, without being able to work like Marc, without being able to run like Marc, without being able to compete as only he knows how to compete. We want to see the real Marc. A vulgar Marc doesn’t interest him or anyone else. But, of course, who tells Marc to stop? Well, the doctors. Luckily, because no one wants to see a Marc who doesn’t win”, ends by saying the two-time Catalan champion.

“Mick Doohan won, the first of his five 500cc titles, at the age of 29, the same ones that Marc now has”

“Let’s see, what I am going to say I would like to be understood well, very well. I don’t know if it will happen, it is very difficult, of course, but it has already happened! And, what has already happened at the highest level, can happen again.” to pass,” says Crivillé as he bids farewell on a stunningly sunny morning. “What I want to say is that today Marc is undergoing surgery in the USA, a very complicated intervention and a harder recovery, but if Marc achieves another feat and, with how hard he works, it is perfectly possible, he can continue competing at the highest level and win again. I insist, that has already happened and I have seen it with my own eyes.Mick (Doohan) won, the first of his five consecutive 500cc titles, at the age of 29, that is, at the age that Marc is now. , my best state, was between 27 and 31 years old, let’s look at Aleix (Espargaró), who is fighting like a boar for the MotoGP title at 32! So we hope that the Mayo doctors are right, that Marc works hard, as he always does, and let’s cross the demos to once again enjoy someone like Marc, who gets us all off the couch”.

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