“Disobedience to the European treaties is not an end, it is a means, in the absence of others”

by time news

Dince the agreement signed between the parties of the left and political ecology, we have been witnessing a flood of criticism. It is proof of the feverishness of those who fear that both will return to the front of the stage. Thus, Jean-François Copé attacked La France insoumise, on May 8, on France Info, which, by questioning the right of property, would attack the values ​​of the Republic. This asserted Gaullist forgets, in doing so, that de Gaulle had in his time nationalized a number of industrial and banking companies… But the debate is polarized today on the relationship to the European Union (EU) and on the will of the signatories of the agreement not to respect certain European rules when they would represent an obstacle to the implementation of the program, endorsed by the popular vote.

One would have thought that, faced with the recurrent lack of interest in politics shown by the French through massive abstention and blank votes, the democratic renewal, desired by all political forces, had to go through the implementation of electoral commitments. . This is obviously not the case, and the critics of this agreement appear in phase with the words of Jean-Claude Juncker – then President of the European Commission – pronounced at the end of January 2015, after the victory in Greece of Syriza: “There can be no democratic choice against the European treaties. »

Read the forum (2020): Article reserved for our subscribers “The European treaties in no way authorize the Union to go into debt”

The European treaties would therefore be politically what the revealed texts are for believers: the expression of the only admissible dogma. However, European institutions and governments are the first not to respect these treaties. There is not enough space to list them all. Four recent examples will suffice to give an idea. The first is the attitude of the European Central Bank (ECB), following the successive crises that have affected the euro zone: while the treaties prohibit any financial aid to States, the ECB has massively purchased, on the secondary market, government securities, thus enabling these countries to finance themselves at low cost. The second relates to the recovery plan for Europe (NextGenerationEU), which will lead to a European budget in deficit, even though the treaties oblige the European Union to maintain a strict balance, which Clément Beaune – who values ​​this plan in a column, published on May 6, by The world – forgot to specify.

The tension between European and national rights

Our third example relates more specifically to the attitude of the French government refusing to apply the modest greening requirements demanded by the common agricultural policy, to such an extent that some have been able to put forward the prospect of an “agricultural Frexit”. What can be said, finally, of these remarks by Bruno Le Maire, made in September 2021, and according to which “the single European electricity market does not work, it is absurd”otherwise they invite disobedience?

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