A restaurant owner from Montpellier offers you a thousand euros if you find him a chef

by time news

“Many of you come to eat with us but unfortunately we are not enough to be able to treat you…”, announces on social networks Boris Leclercq, manager of the Montpellier restaurant Bambino Rocco (among other establishments). Faced with “enormous difficulties” in recruiting staff, he therefore decided “to use drastic measures” by offering “a fun little contest to turn you into a professional recruiter”.

Since his establishment, he has launched on Instagram, facing the camera: “I speak to everyone, the person who comes by himself, the person who recommends me a typical Italian chef or a pizza maker, I offer him 20 large 50-euro notes…” That is a 1,000-euro bonus in cash, to be collected in a jar displayed on the counter for the recruited person. Be careful though: “If you bring me a film actor who is not a pizza maker, obviously that does not do it”, specifies with a touch of humor the restaurateur.

More seriously, the new recruit will still have to validate his one-month trial period in the kitchen to win the promised sum. In just a few days, the restaurant’s announcement already seems to be bearing fruit because the pizza maker has already been found. But there is still a place of chef to take!

Candidates can apply by email to [email protected], or go directly to the restaurant during opening hours, from Tuesday to Saturday. Which may also give them a taste of their future job.

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