“With Covid there is the risk of an Alzheimer’s pandemic in the world” – time.news

by time news
from Michele Farina

The Italian Paola Barbarino, who leads Alzheimer’s Disease International: “Experts are concerned about the relationship between dementia and the neurological symptoms of the coronavirus”

“We don’t want to scare anyone, but alerting those in duty seems necessary to us. I just talked about it at a WHO meeting. Many experts are concerned from relationship between dementia and neurological symptoms of Covid-19“. Effects that according to estimates will produce “a pandemic of dementia” that will affect 80 million people by the end of the decade (today there are 55 million according to estimates by the World Health Organization). Paola Barbarino, Neapolitan, has been driving since 2017 Alzheimer’s Disease International, a global federation that brings together associations that deal with dementia from around the world. Barbarino, today guest of theAlzheimer Fest 2021 in Cesenatico, calls on governments to prepare and prepare concrete responses and to invest more in research. “We must avoid being swept away by a dementia pandemic.”

“So far only 35 countries have a dementia plan. Within the WHO 138 are missing ».

A “pandemic of dementia” does not mean that Alzheimer’s becomes infectious …

“Of course not. But that it accelerates its effects yes. Even before Covid, governments weren’t prepared to deal with dementia. Now two facts have emerged. First: from the data collected (also in Italy), we know that between 25 and 45 percent of all Covid deaths had some form of dementia (Alzheimer’s is the most prevalent, ed). According to: worrying neurological effects of coronavirus infection are emerging. The neurologists in our research group, who are many and work all over the world, have begun to see relatively young people with symptoms of cognitive impairment atypical for their age. Very virulent. And most of those patients had had Covid. Then they arrived US government data on the incidence of neurological effects in people affected by the pandemic».

Does it mean that Covid can cause Alzheimer’s?

«It means that the epidemic seems to accelerate the processes of cognitive deterioration. We do not yet know if the covid leads to a worsening where it would not have been, or if a situation already in place worsens. But there is an incontrovertible link. And it could become a very serious problem, more than it already is for millions of families ».

Is this the first time this pandemic-brain deterioration link has been highlighted?

“Epidemiologists remind us that it has already happened: among those who contracted the Spanish a century ago, for example, the risk of contracting Parkinson’s in the long run increased by a factor of two to three. ‘

You speak of a perfect storm …

“The prospect of new therapies being studied for people at the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, the greater demand for diagnosis, the worsening that could come from Covid. All these factors tell us that we need to be even more ready ».

Where are the countries that already have a dementia plan?

“Seven in the Americas (including Canada and the United States). In Southeast Asia one, Indonesia. In Europe there are 19 (including Italy, where however it is not yet adequately funded). In the Middle East three. In the West Pacific four. And nobody in Africa ”.

“He approved a plan last year. It is mainly based on assistance to sick people ».

How are dementia plans made?

“Funding and energy in seven main areas. Government policies, prevention, awareness, data sharing, diagnosis, treatment, care. Even family members, who are traumatized ».

“Dementia already drains a lot of money, especially for families. The latest estimates speak of 1.3 trillion dollars a year globally. In Great Britain, Parliament is discussing whether to raise taxes a little to better finance the treatment ».

The Great Britain led by David Cameron years ago organized a G8 on dementia to establish a priority …

«An impromptu initiative. At the last G8 organized in Cornwall, the London government did not in the least accept the proposal to rekindle the discourse on dementia. But now we are over, and we are working a lot with the G20. We are seeing positive signs. And in their respective governments, there are many people like us who have experienced dementia in their families. They know what it means. How bad it hurts. And they are more sensitive ».

September 10, 2021 (change September 10, 2021 | 01:36)

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