Picasso and Ingres dialogue through two paintings in a particular exhibition at the National Gallery in London

by time news

Ivannia Salazar-Saborio

Correspondent in London

Updated:06/02/2022 11:27h


“Lesser artists borrow; great artists steal. That phrase, attributed to different characters, including Picasso, comes to life starting this Friday at the London’s main art gallery. It is said of the genius from Malaga that he used to speak of himself as a “thief”, and not because of that episode he starred in in 1911 after the theft of “La Giaconda”, by Leonardo Da Vinci, at the Louvre, when he was arrested as one of the the crime suspects. That came to nothing for the painter and his then best friend, the poet Guillaume Apollinaire, also arrested for no reason, and the real criminal was found. Picassonevertheless, kept stealing: inspiration and ideas of the paintings of its most admired artists.

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