Victory of the Danish yes to defense Europe, the defeat of the skeptics

by time news

Before this 1is June, the Danish people had never given the green light to the repeal of one of the exemptions to European cooperation obtained by their country almost thirty years ago. The third attempt was successful. With a clear majority (66.9%), voters approved the end of the derogation which allowed the Scandinavian kingdom to remain outside European defense policy.

Even if the abstention rate is higher than usual (35%), the outcome of the consultation is described as “historic victory” by supporters of change and some national dailies, such as the conservative Jyllands-Posten.

“This means, among other things, that Danish soldiers can be sent to EU military operations if a majority in Parliament so wishes. And that Denmark will in future be covered by all EU rules and decisions in this area”, rejoices this newspaper. So many points which, until now, did not concern this country of six million inhabitants,

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