The emergency room of one of the best clinics in France closes at night

by time news

Hospitals are short of manpower. For months, for years, emergency personnel have been alerting the authorities to the difficulties in carrying out their mission, particularly during the summer periods, when the caregivers, already few in number and exhausted by the Covid-19 epidemic, take their leave.

A shortage that spares no one, not even the most renowned. In Saint-Grégoire, in Rennes, the private hospital center is facing a shortage of emergency doctors. Often ranked among the best clinics in France, the establishment finds itself forced to close its emergencies at night until June 6, from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.

A nurse to direct patients

Patients wishing to be taken care of there are invited to dial 15 in order to reach the Samu who will direct them to the most suitable structure. The specific circuit for the care of pregnant women accessible 24 hours a day will be maintained, specifies the private hospital. For people who spontaneously come to the counter outside opening hours, a reception nurse “will ensure their orientation”, promises the establishment. In Saint-Grégoire, the emergency room receives 40,000 patients each year. By way of comparison, the Rennes University Hospital service sees 115,000 pass in one year.

In an article published a few days ago on our site, the profession referred to the “very serious difficulties encountered by the emergency services” in France. More than 120 establishments were faced with shortages requiring an adaptation of the service.

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