After corona easing: “Have to react with a preventive strike” – severe flu wave hits Australia

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Health After corona loosening

“Must respond with a pre-emptive strike” – Severe flu outbreak hits Australia

Status: 2:15 p.m

Australia is now launching a big campaign of free flu shots for its citizens

Australia is now launching a major campaign to give its citizens free flu shots

Source: dpa

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For two years there were hardly any flu waves Down Under because of the corona measures: After the easing, the influenza virus is now threatening to come back in many places in Australia. The infections are increasing massively. The RKI in Germany is also reporting more cases in adults – and children.

ZFor two years, the influenza virus had a break almost everywhere due to the strict corona measures. Special distance rules and the obligation to wear a mask prevented the spread. But now the authorities in Australia are reporting a strong wave of flu in many parts of the country as part of the easing. Winter is just beginning in the southern hemisphere – and the early and violent outbreak could portend what to expect in Europe during the cold season.

From January to November 2021, just 598 laboratory-reported influenza cases were reported Down Under, according to figures from the Australian Department of Health. From January to May 22, 2022, there were already more than 38,700 cases. More than 26,000 of these were recorded between May 9th and 22nd – showing how steeply the curve is rising.

The eastern states of New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland are particularly badly affected. All three regions announced free flu vaccinations so that as many citizens as possible can be immunized.

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“The flu season this year is very bad and comparable to what we had in 2017,” Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said. “We must now respond with a pre-emptive strike and ensure we take preventive action.”

Germany also knows severe flu waves

The 2017 flu epidemic was particularly severe: more than 1,200 people died from the virus in Australia at the time. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the worst flu epidemic in decades was rampant in Germany in 2017/2018. It is estimated that around 25,000 people died.

In contrast, the last two flu seasons were extremely subdued according to RKI data: After the pandemic-related failure of the contagion wave in winter 2020/21, the number of cases in the 2021/22 season did not reach the previous times either.

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Since October 2021, a total of around 14,400 laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza have been reported, according to the RKI Influenza Working Group in its most recent report for the week from May 16th to 22nd. In the case of influenza, however, a high number of unreported cases is generally assumed.

What is striking this year is that, according to the report, influenza viruses were increasingly spreading among children even after the Easter holidays. Since the week of April 25, the RKI experts have seen a slightly increased influenza activity.

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