You will not imagine what will happen to your body when you eat curly cabbage daily! • Al Marsad newspaper

by time news

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Curly cabbage, or what is known as kale, is a multi-use vegetable, which can be prepared at home in a variety of delicious ways by adding it to salads, or by cooking it.

And about the benefits of curly cabbage:

1. Avoid indigestion: Curly cabbage contains a lot of fiber and water, both of which help prevent constipation and enhance the role of the digestive system in performing its functions, according to Web Medicine.

2. Promotes the health of your eyes: All parts of your body begin to weaken with age, especially eyesight. You can prevent premature aging by following a healthy lifestyle. Cabbage contains the antioxidants carotenoids, lutein, and zeaxanthin. All of which help protect you from visual impairment.

3. You get more vitamins and minerals: Cabbage contains fiber, antioxidants, calcium, vitamins B, C and K, iron, manganese, copper, potassium, magnesium, iron and a wide range of other nutrients, which help prevent problems. different health.

4. May protect your body from cancer: Cabbage contains large amounts of compounds – such as sulforaphane – that protect against the overgrowth of cancer-causing cells, and antioxidants – such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, and selenium – help prevent cancer.

5. Reduces the amount of bad cholesterol: Cabbage contains large amounts of dietary fiber and polyphenols, and dietary fiber is necessary to bind bile acids, which help in the digestion and absorption of fats in the small intestine, and regulate cholesterol in the blood, and thus have the ability to reduce the risk of disease the heart.

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