Breathing problems due to asthma, hay fever or corona? Zoutkamer Kampen gives you more air again’

by time news

Do you suffer from hay fever or asthma? Lung complaints? Respiratory problems after corona? Zoutkamer Kampen can help you. ‘Our salt chambers are built for people with respiratory and lung problems. The conditioned air, with a high salt content, cleans your airways and gives you more air.’ Salt Chamber Kampen now has two salt chambers. The salty air is also good for people with skin problems, such as psoriasis.

We have recently welcomed many ex-covid patients. They also notice a significant improvement through our salt therapy‘, says Roland Prins of Zoutkamer Kampen.

respiratory problems
People with respiratory problems have benefited from the salt therapy of Zoutkamer Kampen for years. ‘Many have even been able, of course in close consultation with the doctor, to reduce their medication and inhalers or even omit them altogether.’ The conditioned salty air of Zoutkamer Kampen can even help people who want to quit smoking. ‘They will cough a lot more and thus get rid of the loose mucus.’
Salt Room Kampen now has two salt rooms. The second, smaller room, is mainly for people with small children and for private use for people with skin complaints.

Fear of corona
The question that has been asked a lot in the last two years has been: ‘Is it wise to use the salt room in this day and age?’ ‘I would say: yes, especially now’, says Prins. ‘After all, our salty air helps to clean and keep your airways clean. Moreover, we always have more coughing than elsewhere. Never before have people here passed on their ‘bad’ health condition to others. The reason is simple. Bacteria and viruses do not “survive” in the conditioned dry salt air. That is what makes our halotherapy so effective against various lung and respiratory complaints.’ This does not alter the fact that they have taken the necessary extra measures at Zoutkamer Kampen during the pandemic to keep Covid-19 out. It was also allowed to remain open, so that people could continue with their sessions.

Knowing more? See or call 038-3332727 for a free trial session.

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