but what is Justin Trudeau getting involved in?

by time news

One of the peculiarities of Canadian politics, “is that the men and women of the Liberal Party always give the impression that they are campaigning for election in the United States”, underlines the Wall Street Journal in a scathing editorial against the bill introduced on May 30 by the Trudeau government to regulate handguns in Canada.

The moment chosen by Justin Trudeau to present his bill “was no coincidence”, continues the financial daily, which underlines that the Canadian Prime Minister was satisfied with “responding to the debate over guns and mass killings in the United States”, just days after the elementary school shooting in Uvalde, Texas.

A boring and provincial political life

Visibly, “Canadian political life is too boring or too provincial”, quips the daily, because Justin Trudeau has also promised to defend the right to abortion “just after the Supreme Court’s draft decision was leaked to the press” in favor of a repeal of the Roe judgment vs Wade who legalized abortion in the United States.

And the Wall Street Journal even recalls that in June 2020 Justin Trudeau had “great to get down on one knee during a Black Lives Matter protest” organized in Ottawa, in the wake of the death of George Floyd in the United States.

For the American daily and contrary to what many titles in the Canadian press maintain, “Trudeau knows full well that there is no need to impose stricter gun control in Canada.” Because owning a handgun in Canada “assumes obtaining a federal license which can only be issued to collectors, shooting range enthusiasts and Canadians who can justify the use of a weapon in the context of their work, and only after having undergone security training, passed two tests and undergone a criminal background check”, highlights the American newspaper.

Brush public opinion in the direction of the hair

Yet Prime Minister Justin Trudeau can’t help but “brush in the direction of the hair a certain part of the public opinion of Canada who likes to believe that Canadians are more enlightened than their neighbors to the south”.

As for the effects of the Canadian Prime Minister’s decisions in the United States, they could well be “contrary to those expected”. Of course, the American left will be able to “extending the Canadian example in terms of gun control”, but other Americans will see “in Trudeau’s gun confiscation policy” an alarming omen of what “American progressives would like to do to the country”.

And the Wall Street Journal to conclude, not without a good dose of irony:

“Trudeau’s condescension to the United States may allow him to score points in Canada, but if he really wants to influence American policy, we recommend that he emigrate to the United States and settle down. stand as a candidate for Congress. He and Democratic Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke would make a great campaign tandem.

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