Bennett: “In the face of Netanyahu’s deadly poisoning machine, the silent majority is happy with the government”

by time news

Prime Minister, Naftali BennettPublished this morning (Friday) a special letter on the occasion of the year of the formation of the government, during which he referred to his decision on the very formation and existence of the government, to denunciations by opposition leader Netanyahu and to cooperation with PM Mansour Abbas.

“About a year ago, the State of Israel reached one of the most difficult moments it has ever known. Chaos, endless election spin, government paralysis, the cities of Lod and Acre burning in front of an embarrassed and conflicted government, worship of one man and enslaving the country’s energy for legal purposes, terrible weakness in the face of a murderous enemy, when Hamas threatened Netanyahu not to hold the flag parade. He folded in the face of the threat and changed the path. In response, Hamas and jihad
Islamists fired insolently and boldly rockets at Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. They smelled the inner weakness and polarization.

“After the fourth election, the president imposed the task of forming a government on Netanyahu and he managed to gather 59 fingers, but he lacked two fingers. Netanyahu held a series of talks in Balfour with Mansour Abbas, and they agreed on his support for the vote to form a government. Likud MKs lamented how wonderful it is to have a moderate and brave leader like Abbas and even attacked the left for not embracing RAAM.

Opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu (Photo: Knesset Spokeswoman Noam Moskowitz)

“We stood a few days before going to a fifth election that would dismantle the country, and then I made the most difficult and Zionist decision of my life: to form a national rescue government to rescue Israel from chaos and return it to function. To connect with people with very different views of mine to save the country. That a huge poison machine would be turned against me, and I took it upon myself to be the human defender of the State of Israel. Together with my colleagues in the government, we returned Israel to function and growth.

“I did it when I knew that if I formed the government, a huge poison machine would be activated against me, against my family and against members of my faction. How did I know it would happen?
Because Netanyahu told me: ‘If you do not join me in the elections, I will launch an army of UAVs against you’ and showed me with his hand a kind of flying UAV. His intention was to harness all his trumpets, the tweeters, the paid protesters, the rioters, his ‘polling institutes’, and in fact – all the poison machine he had built for many years.

“In any case, as Prime Minister I will continue to take care of the entire public, including groups that did not vote for the coalition parties. My friends, who put his group above the state, endanger the existence of the state. They could have survived for a long time under the Roman siege, but the boycotters, the zealots, those who are 100% sure that only they are always right, went around with incendiary materials and burned the others with the fire of hatred.

“Mansour Abbas is emerging as a brave political leader who is trying to bring Arab society to a better place. For the first time, an Arab leader who recognizes Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people. He is trying very hard to advance the civic-economic side of Arab Israeli citizens. The phenomenon of illegal weapons. Do you notice that this is exactly what you also want? In the matter of Mansour, credit is actually due to Mr. Netanyahu. He rightly told me: “Mansour is a brave leader. We need to strengthen it and cooperate with it. “

“These days, almost a year later, we, all citizens of Israel, are once again facing a historic crossroads: moving forward with a functioning state or degenerating back into chaos, internal hatred, external weakness and enslavement of the state for one person’s needs. A noisy and deadly poisoning machine of Ben Gvir, Odeh, Netanyahu and Smutrich, which activates violence, extortion and mass of Pike News, while the silent majority who are happy with a calm and functioning government, is indeed silent and takes everything for granted.

“If we do not want to fall backwards – we must all take action. This letter is the call to action.
Shabbat Shalom and Happy Shavuot, Naftali Bennett. “

Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid (Photo: Twitter screenshot)Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid (Photo: Twitter screenshot)

However, the Likud responded to the letter, saying: “Bennett’s lies can not hide the fact that he transferred control of the country to Mansour Abbas, Ahmad Tibi and their pro-terror friends. “To the RAAM, the common one and Zoabi – just to continue to sit on the chair. Dear citizens of Israel, everything is being done to overthrow the government of weakness and failure, and to establish a strong Zionist government soon, which will ensure the safety and well-being of all Israeli citizens.”

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