Madrid, Barcelona and the coast are the areas where electric cars are most successful

by time news

S. M.


Updated:03/06/2022 01:12h


The electric map in Spain leaves us with two “high voltage” points such as Madrid and Barcelona, ​​which concentrate 45% of searches for new electric cars, according to Unoauto, Sumauto’s new vehicle portal. This data reveals a Spain ‘with two energies’, where electricity is concentrated in the two great economic and population centers of the country and, however, combustion is more present in inland areas, whose provinces account for 20%.

On the other hand, a look at the figures reveals that the area of ​​the Mediterranean arch is gradually beginning to stand out and its provinces will be the next to make the transition from one «Spain» to another. Specifically, in Valencia with 7.1%, Malaga with 4.1% and Murcia with 3.7% is where they are most sought after, if we leave Madrid and Barcelona aside.

It is in the big cities, although Murcia does not reach the threshold of 500,000 inhabitants, where there is beginning to be greater environmental awareness, such as in Malaga, where there is a great commitment to sustainable mobility materialized within the global plan “Málaga Saludable” and that has resulted in the presentation of up to eight projects for the call for European funds «Next Generation».

One of the most outstanding aspects of the data extracted by Unoauto is that the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands are not communities where their population is more likely to seek electric vehicles. Las Palmas is the first of the island provinces, but with only 1.3% it remains in 16th place.

Until reaching the Balearic Islands, it is necessary to travel the road to 27th position in the country as a whole, with 0.7%, despite being one of the communities where the greatest force has been exerted for the transition from combustion to electricity, being even the first to activate Moves III last year.

And, for its part, Tenerife is at the same level in searches for electricity from provinces such as Zamora or Castellón, with just 0.5%.

On the other hand, if we invert the photograph of the demand for electricity, where it is least sought is in the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla, which are precisely where there is the least population. Cuenca or Segovia are also communities below 0.1% of searches.

However, the population factor can have a relative impact. The best example is Teruel, the fourth least populated province in Spain: even with only 0.2% of searches, it exceeds others with more inhabitants such as Palencia, Cáceres, Ourense or Huelva.

According to Ignacio García Rojí, spokesman for Unoauto, “we must begin to direct the new trends in mobility towards other provinces to avoid a country ‘with two energies’, one electrified in the large urban areas and one of combustion in the Spain of the provinces, especially all in the interior; especially with the current park so old and with legislation aimed at cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants, which can cause old cars, more polluting, to be diverted to small cities ».

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