Sobyanin called absurd accusations of lifting restrictions on COVID-19 for the sake of voter turnout

by time news

Restrictions aimed at combating coronavirus in Moscow are not being lifted for political reasons, said the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin. He called the suggestion that the measures are weakening on the eve of the elections to the State Duma is absurd.

“This year we are accused of canceling some measures for people to go to vote in the elections to the State Duma. Whatever we do, everyone accuses us of some kind of conspiracy … This is absurd, ”said Mr. Sobyanin at a meeting with residents of the South-Eastern Administrative District (the recording is available on the mayor’s YouTube channel).

Mr. Sobyanin said that measures against coronavirus are being removed “not for any political reasons,” but in accordance with the dynamics of the incidence of COVID-19 in the capital. “When we saw that we reached a peak and began to fall sharply due to restrictive measures and a lockdown, naturally realizing that we cannot constantly keep people locked up within four walls, close businesses and so on, we removed most of the restrictions,” he said. about lifting restrictions this summer. The mayor of Moscow, as before, associated a further increase in the incidence of the disease with the spread of the delta strain of coronavirus. At the same time, he said that “we have already learned to predict the situation.”

In August, Sergei Sobyanin canceled the requirement to transfer 30% of employees of enterprises to a remote mode of work and to wear masks by teachers in schools. By September, he called the situation with the spread of COVID-19 in the city one of the best in Russia. By September 10, more than 1.5 million cases of COVID-19 were detected in Moscow, 1566 of them in the last 24 hours.

About the planned measures of the Ministry of Health – in the material of “Kommersant” “All the same, you enter.”