“A moron leads us,” “an unparalleled Kokoriko.” Thousands of comments against Bennett by surfers on left-wing websites

by time news

It does not just happen on the right sites and this megalomaniac has no “silent majority.” He also does not have a handful. Bennett has nothing. Bennett can not claim that these are right-wing instigators who are attacking him. It’s just a lie. Bennett does not walk around the street and knows exactly what the whole nation thinks of him. Even the left know that he is weak and does not know how to lead.

While Bennett tells the people of Israel fairy tales, issues a delusional and false letter and claims that only on Channel 14 and the real right-wing sites attack him, we went to check what is happening with Bennett from the comments of surfers – thousands upon thousands on left-wing sites.

Ynet surfers, N12 surfers, News 13 and others attack Bennett with thousands of comments. Left-wing sites try not to block respondents, because then they will lose their power and thus the truth is revealed in left-wing sites as well. Bennett blocks regularly, and to this day it is estimated that he has blocked tens of thousands of right-wing respondents.

Over 6,000 comments were published in a YNET post about the Naftali Bennett letter. One after the other – the reactions against him.

Moses He wrote: “In a reformed country you would never be allowed to be prime minister.” Oron Atwan He wrote: ‘A piece of crook with 6 seats that stole the government. You are the most hated person in the country. ‘ Galit Shomer She tagged Bennett and wrote: “So embarrassing himself.”

Sharon Deri: ‘The Silent Majority… How will the majority speak if you have blocked the whole world, his wife and sister? A moron leads us. Only God will protect us. ‘ Ilan Yoshi He wrote: ‘What other choices did you prevent? We’re about a fifth election soon. ‘

Ennis Adas She wrote: “It’s amazing that he still thinks the people are stupid.” Lior Esther Vaknin She simply asked Bennett: “Go, go.” Lilach Tikotsky She wrote: ‘In a reformed world the crook should have been in prison. He also financed terrorism, and also built a fortress at 50 million at my expense. He can not go out into the street because the people hate him. Go already. ‘

Also in a post in News 12 a lot of comments were written against Bennett.

Shai Chai Ben Shimol He wrote: ‘The man forced himself on us in the most disgusting way possible. Even those close to him dislike him. ‘ Moti Taleh He wrote: “A crook, a liar, a megalomaniac.” Sarit Elias She posted a picture of Bennett with the caption “Fly away from our eyes” and wrote: “With God’s help, all the sane people left will leave.”

Karin Maman Kalfon She wrote: “Maybe someone should turn on the light after the darkness that this disgraceful government has brought upon us.” Ariella Wolf She wrote: “The man is living in an imaginary film if he states that the government with Arabs is national. RAAM and the joint list roll with laughter. There has never been such a Kokoriko in the history of the State of Israel. Lol “National Rescue Government”. Magloman, crazy, you already. to you”.

Sinora She wrote: “His Knesset members finally understood who they were dealing with. We can, cheater. One big failure. ‘ Giorgi Daniel He wrote: ‘Bennett has lost direction. He better go home. ‘

Also in the news, the 13 surfers attacked Bennett and attacked him, one after the other:

Shaul Maimon He wrote: “Poor rag.” June Carpenter He wrote: “A rogue floor rag with 5 seats.” Revital Alon She wrote simply: “Dumb.” Yossi Avaron: ‘Look at your face in public and see what a silent majority is. Zero from zero. ‘

Leah from the band Mandarin Article: “Letter”? Medieval… This is what it looks like. Soon the cavalry will be sent on the horses that will fight Ben Gvir. It really feels like the bureau is empty and war letters are being sent. ‘

Yair Shalom He wrote: “We will be included.” Lior Freinta Arkin He wrote: “A majority of four seats.” Nathan Krieff He asked Bennett: “Go, you idiot.” Lior Ben Yaakov: “Shame on you. fickle. I have never supported the extreme right. I was a clear Likud for my life, but your conduct made me realize that only one like Ben Gvir can fight for the state… Even if he gets 8 seats, it’s a lot of what you got that you fed lies to the public. “

Galia Lev Lahav She wrote: ‘Bennett took office and the state went. How does he have time to deal with publishing a letter? This is the busiest and most difficult job in the world, and even if there is time for it: Zim and letters? On the eve of the Feast of the Giving of the Torah and he is busy with incitement and divisions – shame, shame, shame. There is no point in referring to Bennett’s incitement and partisanship. Really really criminal under the auspices of the media. Bennett must resign. He is destroying the people. ‘

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