Pope: The cross of Christ leads us to complete unity

by time news

Pope’s message to young priests and monks from the Eastern Orthodox Churches.

C. Rubini CTC, Vatican News

Pope Francis announces his joy at the visit of the Apostle Paul with the greeting of the Apostle Paul, “The grace of God the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and fellowship with the Holy Ghost” (2 Cor. 13:13) commonly used at the beginning of the Eucharist in the Roman Rite.

During their visit on the eve of the Feast of Pentecost, which falls next Sunday according to the Roman calendar, the Holy Father gave inspiration from the Feast of Pentecost. The pope pointed out that the reason for that is about the complete unity we want.

Unity: a gift; Fire from above

The Pope reminded that unity is a gift from on high and that we must continually pray, work, debate and prepare for this extraordinary gift. Achieving unity is not primarily the result of the earth but of heaven. It is not the result of our commitment, effort, or agreement. It is the work of the Holy Spirit. So let us open our hearts to the works of the Holy Spirit in faith to lead us on the path of perfect unity. Unity is a grace and a gift, the pope told them.

Unity: Swaralayam

Second, the Pope said that the Feast of Pentecost teaches us that unity is harmony. Pope Francis pointed out that a good example of this is their representative body of faith and sacrament from the churches of different traditions. Unity is not uniformity. It is not the result of compromise or the weak diplomatic balance of power. Instead, Pope Francis explained that it is the melody of the various siddhis that the Holy Spirit pours out. Because the Holy Spirit loves to awaken pluralism and unity, as in Pentecost. There, the various languages ​​were not abbreviated but all their variations were taken over. Swaralaya is the way of the Holy Spirit, because, Vs. As Basil says, the soul is in harmony.

Unity: A Journey

This is the third fact that Pentecost teaches. The pope told them that unity is not a plan to be formed or formulated around a table, but to stand still and move forward with the new energy given to the disciples by the Holy Spirit from the day of Pentecost. Unity is achieved through each stage of the journey and by sharing the joys and sorrows and surprises of unexpected experiences. V. As Paul told the Galatians, we are to walk with the Spirit (Gal. 5: 16.25). V., who recently declared himself a scholar of unity. As Irenaeus puts it, the church is a traveling group of brothers. Pope Francis explained that unity here does not appear to be a miraculous miracle, but rather that it is quietly growing and maturing in the progress of patience and perseverance of a journey together slowly.

Unity: For the mission

Lastly, the pope pointed out that unity is not for unity but is closely linked to the effectiveness of Christian proclamation. Jesus himself prayed for his disciples to “be one with the world so that they might believe” (John 17,21). At Pentecost, the church was born as an apostolic community. Pope Francis said the world is still conscious but waiting to hear the gospel of subjugation, freedom and peace.

The Holy Father especially commemorated those who had sealed their faith in Christ with their blood, and thanked them for the seeds of love and hope they had sown in the name of the crucified and risen Christ, everywhere marked by violence and often forgotten conflicts.

The Northerly Machine of Unity: of Christ The cross

The pope told them that the cross of Christ is the north-facing machine that leads us to complete unity. Because it is in that cross of Christ that we are reconciled and made a people of peace (Eph. 2,14). Pope Francis shared that these hands, which were shared with them in the Sacrifice of Unity, the hands of the cross, are dedicated and will be important indicators leading to complete unity.

After thanking them for their visit, offering and praying for each other, and wishing them the best of luck in the care of the Lord and the Blessed Mother, Pope Francis concluded his message by asking them to say the Prayer of the Heavenly Father together in their own language.

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