Amélie Oudéa-Castéra’s chief of staff resigns; Jean Lassalle in Lyon to support legislative candidates

by time news

Dispute over the attribution of nuances to legislative elections: decision rendered on June 7 by the Council of State

The Council of State, ruling in litigation, examined Friday morning the interim suspension filed by La France insoumise (LFI), Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV), Génération.s, Génération Ecologie, Les Nouveaux Démocrates, the French Communist Party ( PCF), the Socialist Party (PS) and the New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) relating to the circular from the Minister of the Interior, dated May 13, on the allocation of nuances to candidates in the legislative elections.

The applicants, represented at the hearing by Maître Frédéric Thiriez, challenge the “different treatment” between the candidates of Nupes and those of “Together! presidential majority. The former have been assigned a distinct nuance depending on whether they are invested by LFI, the PCF or the PS, the others being mixed in a global “ecologist” nuance, which aggregates both the candidates attached to the Nupes and others unrelated environmental candidates, such as those of the Animalist Party, for example. As for the candidates of “Together! Presidential majority”, whatever their formation, La République en Marche, the MoDem, Horizons or others, they have all been grouped together in the same nuance.

“For voters, the Nupes will be unreadable on election night”lamented M.e Thiriez, denouncing “obvious discrimination”. The Ministry of the Interior, for its part, defended that it was not necessary “not to confuse a lasting shade with a wedding ring of circumstance”. The debate, led with acuity by President Rémy Schwartz, focused on the criteria, sometimes contradictory, to justify this nuance. The decision will be made Tuesday, June 7.

Patrick Roger

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