After diplomats, ENA students call for strike

by time news

Anger is brewing in the senior public service. On the same day as the mobilization of diplomats, the UFSE-CGT union launched, Thursday, June 2, a strike call for June 9 to the students of the last promotion of the National School of Administration (ENA), who They now end up with the National Institute of Public Service (INSP). Such mobilization is dictated by the “chaotic modalities of schooling”explains the union in a press release, and the strike notice concerns June 9 and ” the next days “.

The UFSE-CGT denounces in particular the “increasing malaise” spawned by the “upheavals in a context of manifest unpreparedness” the abolition of the ENA, since January, as well as the « rupture » commitments made by the State concerning the list of positions offered to student civil servants at the end of their training. Of the “positions that were once offered on leaving the ENA are now entrusted to contract agents”underlines in particular the union.

Also read the editorial: Reform of the senior civil service: preserving the diplomatic asset

The INSP succeeded, on 1is January, at the ENA, created in 1945 by General de Gaulle and whose abolition Emmanuel Macron announced in April 2021, as part of a vast reform of the senior civil service. The final promotion 2021-2022 of the great Strasbourg school, which gave itself the name of the great figure of the Resistance Germaine Tillion, therefore completes its education within the INSP.

The objective of this reform is, in particular, to diversify the profiles of the students, with a modification of the entrance examination. But, according to the CGT, “the main directions formulated when the INSP was created have not given rise to any positive transformation at this stage”.

This call for mobilization was launched on the day when French diplomats went on strike, for the first time in twenty years, in order to protest against the reform of the senior civil service, which led in particular to the abolition of the specific corps of diplomats.

The World with AFP

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