The era of “as if” | FranceEvening

by time news — If the term “narrative” has colonized forums and political speeches, it is because the oxymoron of “augmented reality” has long since deserted the digital world of Pokémon hunting from the start of this millennium, to preside over the Council of Ministers. The diffraction of reality has become institutionalized. We pass from a succession of narrated writing of reality, in total foreclosure of the facts, to another. Emmanuel Macron and his government, in his management of the events at the Stade de France, proceeded in accordance with a habit now established, by stifling the truth, asphyxiating the messenger, hiding the facts, turning his back on reality. Ivan Rioufol describes it brilliantly in his column for Le Figaro: “Denial of reality, this French evil”.

But there is worse, because this impossibility of accounting for reality is not simply ideological. This is not a calculated manipulation of reality, a white lie, a dead truth, another concession to political correctness, not even an act of propaganda. It’s about portraying a world in which reality simply no longer exists. There may be a political calculation before the legislative elections, it is not excluded, far from it. But this psychotic behavior of diffraction of reality comes from afar, in the case of Emmanuel Macron. It is a marker for him and for those who accompany him.

Fight against “post-truth”… © F. Froger / Z9, for FranceSoir

Gérald Darmanin nevertheless did it again against the Senate, once again shaking up the racist and violent stereotype of the English hooligan, crowding at the gates of the stadium with fraudulently acquired entries. On the other hand, if it is possible to evoke the stereotype of the English hooligan, it would not be possible to note the non-stereotypical but very real presence of “blerdards”, with their bag, once fucked in town surprisingly recycled in hash bar container. However, this term “bledards” is used in the cities and designates the part of the non-integrated migration, perceived by the most exposed populations as unassimilable, including in a homogeneous ethnic context.

The Truman Show has the “fake news” antidote to seal any cracks in the way of real-world news. The real is a view of the mind, necessarily shameful. The relationship to truth in the 21st century is much like that of a 16th century Inquisition jurisdiction, classifying crimes against the Faith into heretical propositions, erroneous propositions, reckless propositions and outrageous propositions. The real is perceived as all of this at once, for the current doxa.

Gérald Darmanin, in the Senate on June 1, 2022
In front of the senators, Gérald Darmanin displayed before his hearing a phlegm … British. © Neyer Valeriano / FranceSoir

However, the real has a hard tooth. The pictures are there. And they are humiliating for France. They speak of a wild Republic. From a dangerous place. They circulate on the networks. The news channels did not have time to completely censor them. We hear fiercely racist remarks, with a strong chleuh accent against the French, Europeans. We observe villainous, cowardly behavior, misfits attacking supporters in a piranha fashion. Women report being the victim of touching.

By contrast, the response of the police is to gas tourists sitting on a terrace. It’s pathetic for men in uniform. What about the chain of command! Spraying tear gas on civilians on the public highway, posing no security problem, is on the way to becoming an image of Epinal of macronie. During this time, the hordes of gate-crashers settle in conquering the bleachers of the stadium.

One of the characteristics of madness is the diffraction between reality and fiction. Absolute confusion between the two. The sliding from one to the other without distinction. And it is this psychotic universe that has subtly established itself. We live in a gigantic “as if” that forces us to turn our backs on reality. And this applies to all terrains. If the members of the Azov battalion all have swastikas or Nazi symbols, that would absolutely not mean that they commune with the Nazi ideals of extermination of those whom they have yet explicitly tried to destroy for eight years, because they would be of an “inferior race”, even if the authors tire of making their intentions public in all their speeches and writings. Let’s pretend. Let’s deny reality, even when the perpetrators shout at the top of their voices that they are what they seem. This of course applies to dystopian measures of covidism. Ditto for gender ideology, the denial of sexual alterity and the rejection of science. We reject science, but in the name of science, we defend Nazis, but in the name of democracy, we let people die, but in the name of health, we make men swim in women’s competitions, but in the name of feminism And so on. What is lost above all is the sense of justice that accompanies the manifestation of Truth.

See also: Wokism against science

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