Raid Aventure: “it is important to allow young people in these neighborhoods not to be stigmatized” Bruno Pomart

by time news

Raid Aventure celebrates its 30th anniversary this year: the association works to create exchanges between the police and young residents in sensitive areas. Bruno Pomart, a former police officer who founded this organization, was our guest:

According to the former major, this initiative has made it possible to create links and open up opportunities to people who lacked them. Volunteers work in areas where few people can go today.

« Every time we are somewhere, for several days, like Les Flamants in Marseille, neighborhoods that are inaccessible… We stayed three days carrying out actions, I can assure you that for the families who came to see us, it It was a moment of joy and happiness, joy and living together », explains Bruno Pomart.

He was a member of the Raid, the elite unit of the French police: we took advantage of his presence to ask his opinion on the events at the Stade de France, last weekend in Saint-Denis, during the final of the Champions League, which was originally to be held in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Hundreds of people came to disrupt the organization of the event, passing behind the security barriers and entering the enclosure without a ticket. The start of the game was delayed.

For Bruno Pomart, it is not fair to blame the police and the English supporters as the government has done: “ This is the game of politics. Personally, I find that this device has been badly framed in general. And I think the main fault, even if the State and the police have their responsibility too, I think that UEFA (Union of European Football Associations), in priority, is responsible for the organization of this event. »

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