The battle for Judea and Samaria: The Likud and New Hope are fighting for the support of the settlers

by time news

The Battle of Judea and Samaria: The political storm over the law to apply emergency regulations in Judea and Samaria continues and the coalition and the opposition have launched parallel campaigns targeting the settler public and the population living in Judea and Samaria, in an attempt to apply last-minute pressure to vote on Monday.

The latest blow in the series of exchanges of accusations was released tonight (Friday) by the party of Gideon Saar, A new hope, which attacked the Likud party in response to its attack on the chairman of the Yesha Council David Elhayani, An associate of Saar, who called on the leaders of the right-wing parties to support the extension of the law for the application of emergency regulations in Judea and Samaria and attacked the Likud.

All this is happening at a time when the coalition itself still does not know if there will be a majority to pass the law and it is not clear how the PM will vote. A coalition source told Maariv that “we will only know in the 90th minute, on Monday, close to voting.”

The MK who resigned from the coalition, Edith Silman, does not reveal how she intends to vote. Will start immediately and be fast.

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Likud Knesset members in the Knesset plenum (Photo: Noam Moskowitz, Knesset Spokeswoman)

As mentioned, the storm began with a letter sent by Elhayani to the opposition in which he explained the importance of emergency regulations and the meaning of not passing them, adding: And Samaria. “

Later, Elhayeni attacked Likud members, led by the opposition leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, He said on Judy Shalom Nir Mozes’ show on 103FM: “I did not talk to Bibi and I left the Likud because of him, but the guys talked to them again and they are very determined, and just not interested in them. They are not interested in anarchy and chaos here. “

The Likud party reacted to Elhayeni’s remarks, attacking him personally sharply: “The head of the Yesha Elhayeni Council, who foolishly thwarted the application of sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, is the last to preach morality to former Prime Minister Netanyahu, who during his time faced tremendous international pressure to withdraw. In Judea and Samaria, he built Amichai, Givat Hamatos, Har Homa and more.

Later, just before Shabbat began, in a new hope, they responded to the Likud and wrote: “David Elhayani is an elected public with a way and values. Therefore, he is so disturbing to those who gave up their homeland in Judea and Samaria Displacement from Gush Katif and northern Samaria and today is working to thwart the Judea and Samaria law and eliminate Israel’s ability to control Judea and Samaria. Be strong and embrace David! ”

As mentioned, the exchange of accusations comes in the background of the coalition’s campaign ahead of Monday’s vote, in which they address the settlers living in Judea and Samaria and in the coming days are expected to launch a similar campaign among the ultra-Orthodox public and residents of major ultra-Orthodox cities. Of the campaign – the politicians who represent you, sell your interests in favor of the Likud’s political game, if the regulations fall – you will be the ones to pay a heavy price.

The opposition launched a counter-campaign in which they claim that this is an “evil government that sold everything and everyone to thunder and vigor, so the lofty goal is to overthrow them, so the opposition must vote against extending the regulations.”

They recruited, among others, the head of the Samaria Council Yossi Dagan, He said that “if the fall of the law leads to the fall of the government it is clear that it must be opposed, and equally our duty to demand from right-wing leaders to prevent chaos in Judea and Samaria if the government does not fall – the human rights of settlers are at least as important as scholarships for soldiers.”

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