From this fall also flu shot for pregnant women

by time news

In the coming period, RIVM and the relevant professional groups, such as the KNOV, the NVOGe and parties involved in youth health care, will work on the introduction of flu vaccination for pregnant women. Because a lot has to be arranged for this, the introduction at the JGZ is not yet possible this year. That is why all pregnant women who are 22 weeks or longer pregnant are allowed to report to their GP for the free flu shot from 1 October to 31 December this year.

Flu shot for baby and mother

The flu shot is the best protection for newborns against the possible serious consequences of the flu. Even pregnant women have a lower risk of pregnancy complications due to flu after a flu vaccination. Influenza in newborns and pregnant women is usually without complications. But the flu can lead to respiratory problems that sometimes require hospitalization.

Vaccinating during pregnancy is safe. After vaccination, the pregnant woman makes antibodies, which she passes on to the baby via the placenta. In this way, the newborn is better protected after birth. The baby can still get the flu, but that chance is much smaller and if the baby does get the flu, it is usually mild.

By: National Care Guide

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