Adolfo Martn, before Talavante’s last cartridge: “I thank you for signing up for my bullfight”

by time news

Updated Saturday, June 4, 2022 –

Their albaserradas close this afternoon AT’s quadruple commitment, which closes its passage through San Isidro with ‘Aviador I’ and ‘Aguador’


‘Aviador I’ and ‘Aguador’ close Alejandro Talavante’s fortune for his last afternoon at the San Isidro reappearance. Adolfo Martín’s bulls are the last cartridge of AT to give argument to his quadruple appearance. For the ones four mountain passes through which he has hitherto passed without passing do not have the same title as that Autumn of 2018. When the Extremadura player bet with two afternoons on the Casas hype and crashed in the last one with some grays that did not hit. After that he cut off his ponytail. “I thank you for signing up for my run and I hope it will help you have a big win,” says Adolfo Martín when I ask him about the added pressure of the bullfight. flashback. “I live with nervousness. It is a very important runbecause the great reappeared figure and two bullfighters who have triumphed with my rancher are going to kill her [por Rafaelillo y Manuel Escribano]. That adds to the fact that Madrid always worries.”

The reconciliation run between the grays and AT comes “fifty, serious, in the type and with a lot of rags,” says the rancher. In the weight chart there is a bull that is close to 500 kilos. “I have made a very fine bull and therefore weighs less. What the bull has to have is an auction and the whole bullfight has it”, he explains when speaking of the demands of Madrid which, he says, are his eternal determining factor when it comes to separating the bullfight. “To come here it is not worth only the grades . The bull has to have the presence that this bullring demands and that mediates you because it is what prevails when choosing which ones you command. It seems to me the most difficult square in the world. You face the ring of Madrid, the horse of Madrid, the punch of Madrid… That is why both triumphs and failures weigh what they weigh.”

“But his bulls are always awaited by the Madrid fans,” I tell him. “I have been a Las Ventas subscriber for more than 50 years. We fans are a mass, we have known each other to be regulars. And besides, I have had important triumphs and bulls that have made history. Like Mulillero and Chaparrito, who in 2019 won 30 of the 31 prizes there were or that bullfight so entrenched in 2004 that Liria, Encabo and Valverde killed. But I have also had bad afternoons that have marked me and have closed other places. Let no one forget that Madrid sets the standard for bullfighting”.

Something that for Adolfo has also always set the tone was that “before the figures killed all kinds of bulls”. Hence, I live with some skepticism the passage of some heads of the ladder towards the gray spectrum of the livestock fan, which Morante de la Puebla has headed and this afternoon Talavante underpins. “I don’t know if they should be called gestures. Today the figures are very closed to three or four ranches. The figures are figures for a reason and they are able to kill any fit better than anyone, but they have to prove it in the ring, as has always happened. If it recovers, it will certainly be a great attraction for the public. Going to see what a figure is capable of doing with a slightly different bull generates special interest”, concludes Adolfo Martn already in the tunnel of that expectation. What will Talavante do this afternoon with ‘Aviador I’ and ‘Aguador’?

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