Educating children to creativity, the Italian portal Universikid arrives

by time news

Educating children to creativity, the Italian portal Universikid arrives

More than 25 hours of creative activities, 7 courses designed and supervised by professional educators, a secure online platform and the project to arrive at a proposal in 7 different languages. This is Universikid the completely Italian reality that will allow minors between 5 and 12 years to express and cultivate their artistic creativity directly from home and in safety. An internet connection, any device (including PC, tablet or smartphone) and simple tools such as pencils or markers will be sufficient.

UniversiKid is an online platform that offers courses designed by professionals from the art world and specialized educators, designed to provide the minors involved with a virtual educational space capable of stimulating creativity and at the same time entertaining exclusively with quality content. This is thanks to training courses recorded and offered remotely and without the risk of intercepting possible distractions or misleading content typical of the web, such as advertising, cartoons, youtuber videos, etc … All this is possible thanks to the total absence of external links. to the platform.

Each course is divided into 20 lessons lasting 20 minutes each. Children will be involved in games and activities that will stimulate their artistic side and improve their manual and creative skills. Although the offer will be implemented and updated in the coming weeks, courses in Illustration, Stop Motion, Making Books, Chiaroscuro, Volumes and Perspectives are currently available. The costs for each program are accessible, we are talking about 15 euros per course. . In addition, the preparatory kits for attending the courses will soon be on the market in bookstores and specialized toy shops where, in addition to the access card, there will also be all the artistic material necessary for the course. Furthermore, an accreditation channel is already active which will allow the world of associations and the third sector to bring Universikid courses free of charge to less well-off families, because art belongs to everyone.

“We were looking for a way to convey the passion for art and creativity to all children and to be able to do it with the best existing technological tools, – explain the creators of Universikid – we involved some of the best Italian art professionals, thanks we have come to be able to offer them a safe tool, usable both by children independently and in the company of their parents. An effective and fun way to help our children rediscover creativity. “

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