European diploma for those who are persecuted in Belarus | Belarus: a view from Europe – special project DW | DW

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In Europe, and in Germany in particular, they are thinking about how to support Belarusian students and teachers who have suffered from pressure from the country’s authorities. In addition to scholarships, the number of which has been expanded, the idea of ​​an Eastern European University for the repressed was voiced a few months ago. So far, this project exists only in theory, but, as DW learned, there is already progress. In particular, the German Society for Eastern European Studies (DGO) has joined in, and we will follow the development of this initiative. At the same time, a similar initiative already exists in Poland, neighboring Germany – the Belarusian Academy. How does it work?

Study in Poland in Russian and Belarusian

“European education from Belarus” – this is the slogan of the Belarusian Academy. This is a virtual platform that allows Belarusians to get a Polish diploma without leaving the country. Today, partners of this initiative are three private Polish universities with state accreditation: the Higher School of Humanities in Szczecin, the Higher School of Management in Konin and the Higher School of Finance and Management in Bialystok.

Protests in Belarus in 2020 supported by many students and teachers

Belarusian students, in fact, enter one of these Polish universities. Universities develop specially for them separate training programs in Belarusian and Russian languages, adapted to Belarusian realities. They also employ teachers from Belarus. In this case, the Belarusian Academy acts as an intermediary: it recruits students, helps to develop curricula, and recommends teachers.

A chance for education and work for the persecuted in Belarus

The Polish Foundation “Window to the East”, which works with migrants, provides legal support to this educational platform. He also helps to establish contacts with universities and conclude agreements with them. Actually, the head of the foundation, Pavel Mitskevich, together with Svetlana Kul-Selverstova, a professor from Grodno who lives and teaches in Bialystok, initiated the creation of a virtual platform. As explained in the Belarusian Academy, the idea was in the air even earlier – in particular, it was proposed by ex-presidential candidate Alyaksandr Milinkevich. But the project was implemented only in October 2020, after protests and repressions began in Belarus.

Svetlana Kul-Selverstova, professor from Grodno, living and teaching in Bialystok

Svetlana Kul-Selverstova

According to Svetlana Kul-Selverstova, two-thirds of those who today conduct classes at the Belarusian Academy were previously dismissed in connection with protests or were subjected to other pressure from the Belarusian regime. In total, the platform unites more than 60 people, including 10 professors and more than 30 candidates of science. “These are people who want to give young Belarusians a European education based on academic freedom, freedom of expression, freedom of scientific research,” the project coordinator explains in an interview with DW.

The training takes place entirely online. Students receive the official status of a student of one or another Polish university and are mainly enrolled in a hospital. There are usually two pairs of classes per day in the evenings, since many are still working. The new semester starts on October 1, and now applicants are being recruited. So far, three dozen people, mostly from Belarus, are receiving education through the mediation of the Belarusian Academy, although there are no geographic restrictions. Most of them did not leave the country. “We are scared for them,” says Professor Kul-Selverstova. “But in case of danger, they can leave on a Polish study visa.”

Polish diploma: the price of the issue

This virtual platform provides an opportunity to complete training in five bachelor’s and master’s programs: enterprise management, psychological counseling and work with personnel, management in telemedia and journalism, administration and business management and mediation. After successfully passing the exams, graduates receive a diploma from a Polish university, in which a specialty is opened in cooperation with the Belarusian Academy. The university monitors the quality of education, provides technologies for digital learning, student cards and other documents.

Tuition is paid. A bachelor’s degree will cost 1000 euros per year, a master’s degree – about 1300 euros. According to Svetlana Kul-Selverstova, this is due to the fact that the Belarusian Academy does not work with grants or subsidies and is forced to independently provide funding. But the organizers of the platform are looking for an opportunity to help those who cannot fully pay for their studies. To date, there are five scholarships for students, four of which were provided by patrons.

But what is the reason for students to enter a Polish university through the Belarusian Academy, if it can be done directly? “This requires knowledge of the Polish language. And we give the student a choice: to spend a year or two on learning Polish and then go to university, or come to us and study in a language that he knows, and from our own Belarusian teachers – and get the same diploma, “- this is how the Belarusian Academy explains the advantage of this platform. You can find out more about her work on Telegram ( and Facebook. The site is still under construction.

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