They ask for a safer passage for pedestrians on the Camino de la Virgen

by time news
June 5, 2022 – 00:05

The speed bump that was provisionally built in the Way of the Virgin to enable vehicular passage while the bridge work is being carried out, it became a dangerous funnel. Pedestrians cross as best they can from one side of the waterfront to the other, which has become a real concern, especially due to the risk that it entails for people who try to cross during the hours of greatest vehicular flow.

In this sense, residents of the surrounding neighborhoods, especially students from the “José Cubas” school and secondary school in San Isidro, which is attended by many young people from the Capital, suggest, among other alternatives, the possibility of widening the speed bump by delimiting a step safe for pedestrians, to try to solve said problem or try to find a solution principle.

“There are many of us who come from the Capital to the José Cubas Secondary School along the Camino de la Virgen. We just chose to cross here because it was closer to us, but it turns out that trying to cross through the speed bump they made is very dangerous, because it is very narrow, cars barely pass and we pedestrians have no way to cross,” a student told El Ancasti. of the IES.

“We ask that a safe passage for pedestrians be enabled while the work is being carried out, which we understand will last 14 months, if not more, and that the bridge work contemplate the passage of pedestrians,” added a neighbor .

Finally, they also requested better lighting and more security for the sector. “The area is very insecure, to which is added that there is no lighting; we come to IES at night and cross that dark and dangerous pass. We have never seen the presence of police in the area, despite the orders that were made and the number of robberies that occurred, “they wielded.

Delays in the work

The work of the bridge that is being carried out on the Camino de la Virgen, between the Capital and Valle Viejo, is delayed due to the fact that the drilling machine for piles that the executing company has in place is not suitable for penetrating the ground in the one that works

According to what was explained by one of the construction managers to this medium, this machine known as a piling machine plays a fundamental role, since it is in charge of digging piles, that is, foundations of great depth in the ground, so for such Finally, a machine of such characteristics was managed in the province of Corrientes, which would arrive in the next few days; meanwhile, other works are being carried out in the sector where the bridge will be located. The work on the bridge, which began in mid-March, has a cost of $260,882,880.00 and is financed by the Federal Trust Fund for Regional Infrastructure of the Ministry of the Interior. It was awarded to the company Huasi Construcciones SRL with an execution period of 14 months.

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