How can you still be heterosexual?

by time news


In 2006, in his cult work King Kong TheoryVirginie Despentes noted the limits of heterosexuality: “Men love men. They explain to us all the time how much they love women, but we all know they canard us. They love each other (…). By dint of hearing them complain that women don’t fuck enough, don’t like sex as they should, never understand anything, we can’t help but wonder: what are they waiting for? fuck each other? Go for it. If it can make you smile more, that’s good. »

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Sixteen years later, literary news tackles even more head-on the question of a possible impasse in the relationship between men and women. Two tests have recently been the subject of this: Coming out of heterosexuality, by Juliet Drouar (Binge Audio, 2021), et How to become a lesbian in ten steps, by Louise Morel (Out of reach, 226 pages, 12 euros). The same questioning emerges in more general works, such as women’s sex, by Anne Akrich (Gallimard, 192 pages, 18.50 euros), where you can read this amusing encouragement: “Sleeping with another woman when you’re a woman is like finding a really good osteopath. »

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We must measure the progress made: in 2009, a publishing house like La Musardine offered the Tips from a lesbian for making love to a woman (by Marie Candoe), then in 2015 the Advice from a gay man on how to make love to a man (by Erik Rémès). Homosexuality was used to bring heterosexuals together. Today, it would rather be a matter of secession!

Sexual satisfaction

Are we therefore faced with yet another signal of the end of living together (and let’s be crazy, of civilisation)? Not so sure. Criticism of the heterosexual system is coupled with an immediate and concrete expectation: to have a sweeter life… and a more fulfilling sexuality. If you don’t mind, I will voluntarily leave aside in this column the societal aspects linked to homosexuality – and in particular LGBTphobia – to focus only on sexual satisfaction. As you will see, the champions of homosexual plenitude have solid arguments.

Let’s start with orgasm: while gay and straight men reach it with about the same frequency, this is not the case for lesbian women (who reach it 86% of the time) and straight women (66% of the time , according to Archives of Sex Behaviour, 2018). An identical differential is observed in French surveys: 19% of heterosexual women say they have ” often “ hard to reach orgasm, but 0% of lesbians. 99% of the latter find their current partner very attentive to their pleasure, compared to 88% of heterosexuals… which is, all the same, a good score (source: IFOP/Online Séduction, 2019).

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Mar July 22, 2023 - 1:56 am

How can you still be so stupid to ask this? I am heterosexual because I love have sex only with woman’s.

Mar July 22, 2023 - 1:58 am

Even I was the last heterosexual man in the world.


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