“In the history of Colombia, a president had not been sanctioned”: lawyer who filed guardianship | Nation

by time news

As is already fully known, the Superior Court of Ibague ordered the house arrest for five days of

President Ivan Duque
and the payment of a fine of 15 million, after failed to comply with orders by Labor Cassation Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice, from November 2020.

The contempt would be for not giving orders that guarantee the custody of the Los Nevados Natural Park, what was it declared as a subject of rights.

“For disregarding the tutela ruling that declared the Los Nevados natural park as a subject of rights, we must remember that in November 2020 the Supreme Court of Justice, through a tutela action that I filed, issued a series of orders addressed to the protection of the Los Nevados National Natural Park. That park on which more than 4 million people who inhabit the Eje Cafetero and Tolima ecoregion depend”said Juan Felipe Rodríguez Vargas, a lawyer who filed the guardianship against President Duque.

The lawyer also emphasized that the Los Nevados natural park supplies the departments of Caldas, Quindío, Risaralda and Tolima, in addition to the fact that Ibagué, capital of the latter, depends on the park for its water supply.

“This is a historical fact, because there is no record in the history of Colombia, a president had not been sanctioned of the Republic to that extent, he has not been fined, much less arrested”, added attorney Rodriguez.

It is noteworthy that now the decision of the Court will escalate in the Supreme Court of Justice and in a term of three days, is will confirm or refute the sanction.

Iván Duque’s legal team must demonstrate that the ecosystem was indeed protected, specifically in the areas denounced as contaminated, such as the municipalities of Casabianca and Anzoategui, in Tolima.

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