The battle of the strong between the cellphone and the car Meir Uziel

by time news

something: The Germans, who support Israel in all territories, are also very active in financing Palestinian activity against Israel. Hatred of the Jews can pave the way for the most insidious.

The Feast of the Firstfruits 5722

What are the firsts of this year? What are the definite new things born this year? Prime Minister with 4 seats; Prime Minister’s House in Raanana on the backs of the neighbors’ houses; A prime minister within the government; Netanyahu is not the prime minister.

About the Jews

  • A cheesecake with a spoiled taste that you will never guess is low in calories

I have finished reading the book “The Story of the Jews” by Simon Shama. I will not send you running to buy and read. It is a book written for non-Jewish readers. For us, the book tells a story that is too familiar, From the fashionable thinking today among secular Jews living in the Diaspora. Nevertheless, when reading, even what one knows, one can always learn something new. I also learned.

Well, that’s not why I’m writing this piece. I, I have a custom: when I see a book on Jewish history, I start from the index. There I look for the value Khazarim or Kazaria. If not, this is a flawed book in describing Jewish history, for me. The book “The Story of the Jews” dates back to 1492, the year of the expulsion from Spain (this is the first volume. It also appeared in the second volume, and is guaranteed to be the third, and there is also a television series). Caesarea has several pages.

Unfortunately, although the book was recently written, there are no new revelations in it, and there are bad mistakes (he writes that the Khazars were Jews for 100 years when it comes to 200 years and maybe 400 years). At least he did not write that only the nobility was Jewish, as minors and deniers claim to be foreigners. In the end, and even though the book relies on the most recent research in the fields of Jewish history, the rule is maintained here as well: one does not know about kazaria, because one does not want to know about kazaria.

An act in the chick

On a bench in my neighborhood I see a Filipina, she is sitting, and close to her, on the top step of the bench stands a pretty big bird. I approached, curious, and saw: it is a rather well-developed chick of a large bird by nature named raven. Full name: Black Dome Ravens. The blue color on the sides of its wings has left no room for doubt, it is ravenous, though still young, and the tail is not yet full length. She strokes him on the head, he tweets and reads and opens the source as he asks for food.

He does get food from her. The chick has been with her for two weeks, since she found him neglected, and in the meantime he has grown and matured. In the early days she ate and watered it into her mouth, now he eats and drinks on his own, but has not yet flown. Maybe he can not fly yet, maybe he does not want to. A raven treated by a Filipino, what’s wrong with him? Only the immigration authorities will not find out that he has a Filipino without a permit.
We thought that the Filipinos only came to take care of our parents, slowly without us noticing, and with their noble quiet, they take care of everything that needs care in this country.

Hate Goldstein

Orwell’s timeless book, 1984, depicts a futuristic dictatorial world. We all remember “Big Brother,” but no less engraved in my tyrannical world is a morbid hatred of an unwanted person as part of the party’s system of control over the people. In “1984” Goldstein. Every day Goldstein’s face is projected on all screens for a few minutes of hatred, and the loyal residents scream and rage in hatred in front of Goldstein’s face. With us, as we know, it’s someone else. Genius Orwell.

The mobile and the car

There is a war that is not sufficiently reported: the battle of the strong between the cellular and the car. The car and the cell phone are enemies. The phone always somehow falls in the car and disappears. He’s somewhere between the chairs maybe, but can not find him.

Ringing, and happy when a ringing sound is heard from the depths of the spaces between the parts of the vehicle. Relax, and extend desperate fingers and mini-sticks until he returns to his pocket. Sometimes something more frightening happens: when you get up, the phone falls out of the car, and you only discover it when you are far away. Runs and hopes to find him.

You will not always find. Not once will anyone else find. Either he would put it on the roof of the car, or leave a note, or not. I once lost my laptop like this. After a little over a month, the owner of a phone repair and sale store in Ramat Hasharon called me (“I love phone”) and said: “Someone tried to sell me your phone, luckily there was no password so I looked at your contact list, and according to the familiar names I saw there in letter A. “Only, I said to the person who came to sell me the phone: it can not be your phone, and he ran away.”

It happened more than two years ago. This is an opportunity to thank him again.

I once bought online from a special one that is placed between the seats in the car, and the video of the commercials shows how the phone always falls just there, and is easily found. I installed it between the chairs. There were times when the phone decided to really fall there. There were cases that did not. I also bought a powerful headlamp online, and I wear it when I look in the least known places to the public in the secret world under the car seats. Wait, where’s my cell phone? Man, he probably fell into my car again somewhere. I run to look.

The corner of the puddle

The princess plays basketball. The frog also plays basketball. One day, while he was playing alone on the court, she asked him if she could join. They played together for an hour. Swapped Instagram and phones and met again on the pitch after a week. After half an hour they sat down to drink water. “I’m really sorry,” said the frog. “Why?” The princess asked. He kissed her and said “I’m sorry I kissed you after I sweated so much.” She kissed him back. Today they are the most amazing couple in the world, she says (a real case. Accompanied by a little more sweat).

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