Drag “21” for two

by time news

If the 18th Amendment was introduced, it would only make a child say that it is only for Mahinda to become president for the third time.

Mahinda removed the stipulation that he could not hold the office of President for more than two terms till that day and brought in the main feature that one can become President as many times as he wants.

When he established himself as the hero of the 2009 war victory and brought in this amendment in 2010, the Sinhalese people of the country where he was intoxicated by the war victory were mesmerized by a chauvinist intoxication beyond that.

A Hong Kong-based human rights body had predicted that Sri Lanka’s independent democracy would end with the passage of the amendment by a two-thirds majority.

Everyone knows that until 2015 that free democracy will not exist in the country. But under good governance that year, the 19th Amendment revived a somewhat independent democracy.

The powers of the president were reduced and his term of office was limited to two terms. It also brought in the issue of dual citizenship not being allowed to run in elections.

However, after coming back to power in the hands of the Rajapaksas in 2020, they deactivated 19 and brought in 20.

If the 18th Amendment was brought in for an individual named Mahinda, then the 20th Amendment was probably brought in for two people, Gotabhaya and Bush.

The need to further strengthen the powers of the President was for President Gotabhaya, who did not hold traditional political positions.

Similarly, Bush Rajapakse wanted to enter parliament and keep it under his control. All of this was included in the 20th Amendment.

Now that the context of the country is in need of going back to the 21st Amendment, again those two individuals are the obstacle to this as well. President Gotabhaya is not ready to give up his powers.

Similarly, Bush Rajapakse, a dual citizen, wants to continue his political journey.

Not only the people of Sri Lanka but also the world community that aids Sri Lanka knows that the economic policies of the two countries are to blame for the country’s economic crisis.

It has been revealed that the two are indirectly working to bring more crisis and pressure to Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe.

Bush is busy preventing the 21st Amendment from reducing the powers of the president and preventing dual citizens from running in elections.

Activities to mobilize members of the PA have already begun. Without both of the above features, there is no need to bring in the 21st Amendment.

It is understood that Bush is obviously working on blocking 21. But the president has remained silent on the matter. He is trying to carry on his push tenure somehow.

Gotabhaya has so far not said that the 21st Amendment will bring in the reduction of the powers of the president.

Or he has no idea what the new Amendment should contain. But controversy over the number of ministers in the new cabinet still lingers.

No gazette notification was issued. The important thing is that it is an all-party government and no plans have been made yet.

This raises the question of whether there is a plan to vote against the 21st Amendment by giving ministerial posts to PA MPs.

In this context, members of the PA met with the President last week to express their strong opposition to the 21st Amendment. Members of the National List have questioned how a prime minister can hold office.

At first, no one questioned whether Bush Rajapakse’s entry into parliament was constitutionally justified.

Bush Rajapakse’s name was not included nationally or district-wise in the list of candidates submitted by the PA during the 2020 parliamentary elections. It can not be so. Because the 19th Amendment was in effect then.

According to it, a person with dual citizenship cannot contest elections and cannot be included in the national list.

He does not qualify as a Member of Parliament. He was later nominated to the National Elections Commission by a unanimous resolution of the party and was brought before Parliament.

Ranil took over as prime minister on the basis of a promise to bring in the 21st Amendment, primarily to reduce the powers of the president.

Until now, members of the PA have been preparing again for anti-democratic activities in an attempt to weaken the prime minister.

It is said that this will intensify the struggle of the people. The Rajapaksas will not accept the 21st Amendment, which incorporates clauses that are in any way detrimental to them.

Members of the PA, however, argue that the 19th Amendment is intended to target individuals and to satisfy certain individuals, and that 21 will remain the same and cannot be supported.

To retain his powers, JR introduced the executive presidency in the 1978 constitution.

Subsequent governments have tasted it and are trying to retain it. President Gotabhaya is no exception.

Those behind the president want to advance their political agenda with executive power.

So they would not want to lose those privileges. Because those who have tasted political power and luxury life cannot recover from it. The same is true of executive power.

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