Can you apply for a credit card without a social security number?

by time news

El number of Seguro Social, o Social Security Number (SSN)in English, is a combination of nine digits which are unique to each citizen in the United States.

This number is a id for anything to be processed, from a loan to the banks that request it.

All US citizens, permanent or temporary, must have this number if they want to get a employment, collect pensions, have any service from the governmentetc.

But what about the people who do not have a Social Security number and they want to take out some kind of credit at the bank.

Can you process any card without the Social Security number?

Yes, there are ways to get a credit card without having a Social Security number.

However, it is not so easy because that identification is unique and with it they verify that it is the person who is requesting the service.

“It can be difficult to get a credit card as a person who doesn’t live here. Other countries don’t have the same system that we have here (in the US) when it comes to establishing credit, and it’s hard for someone to trust you when they don’t know your credit history“he declared Linda Sherrydirector of national priorities for the consumer education and advocacy organization Consumer Action.

How to get a credit card without a Social Security number?

If you do not have a Social Security number, you can process the Taxpayer Identification Number, ITIN for its acronym in English.

This number is given by the Internal Revenue Service, IRS, and is used precisely for the payment of the same before the dependency.

Once you have applied for the ITIN, you will need to search for participating banks and that they do not ask for the Social Security number.

The offer is not very wide, but American Express, Bank of America, Citi y Capital One are the financial institutions that allow the user to present the ITIN as identification in order to apply for a credit card.

Some, you don’t need that number, with a passport or official identification issued by a government, it can be done.

Check credit history It is another of the requirements that you have to take into account. If you don’t have a good one and it’s registered, it’s difficult to have a positive response when applying for a credit card.

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