Putin sick, “cancer equals death behind the rumors”

by time news

“If once, from a cultural and psychological point of view, cancer was equal to death, today it is equal to chronicity. Medical research has made this change possible, so the phantom of death is more distant from the patient and is better managed. the succession of news on Putin’s alleged cancer, reported as an event that should put him out of the game, is culturally based on a somewhat ‘dated’ idea, a cultural heritage “. To tell time.news Salute is Luigi Valera, national councilor of the Italian society of psycho-oncology (Sipo), about the new indiscretions of the US secret services according to which the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, would have been operated in April for a tumor and he may be suffering from pancreatic cancer, which is considered one of the most difficult to heal.

The circulation of this information “seems to me based on a simplification – comments the expert – as if one wanted to entrust the solution of a problem to fate, to illness. Behind this information there seems to be a simple, psychically elementary thought”.

“Simplification – observes Valera – is a modality that we use very often, in various fields, because the mind does not want to struggle. Also in this case these news seem to flow on an elementary scheme. We look for who is to blame. war. Everything is black and white. Ventilating the disease, which the cultural heritage continues to believe lethal, for the negative character, in a war that is also informative, is very simple. It seems to me in line with the current tendency to want avoid complex languages ​​and thoughts “.

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