dgp sylendra babu: What DGP sylendra babu did: Cumulative compliments! – dgp sylendra babu speak with swiggy employee over phone who attacked by traffic police

by time news
Moganasundaram hails from the Nilambur area of ​​Coimbatore. He has been working part time at Swicky, a private food delivery company. In this case, a woman who was walking on the road a few days ago was reportedly knocked down by a private school bus and left unattended. It seems that Moganasundaram, who was nearby at the time, stopped the school bus and knocked.

He was then barraged by a traffic policeman. The related video went viral on social media. Following this, Satish, the traffic policeman who attacked Swiggy employee Mohan Sundaram, was transferred to the police control room.

Subsequently, Coimbatore Municipal Police Commissioner Pradeep Kumar ordered an inquiry into the incident. Following this, Peelamedu traffic policeman Satish, who carried out the attack, has been arrested and suspended, said Municipal Police Commissioner Pradeep Kumar.
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In this situation, DGP Silenthrababu inquired about the health of the Swiki employee Mohan Sundaram who was attacked by the traffic police. At that time, the DGP explained to him that criminal and departmental action had been taken against the traffic policeman Satish. Many have praised the DGP for his comforting speech in contacting the employee who was attacked.

Earlier, Moganasundaram said of the attack, “A private school bus rammed into a girl at the Fun Mall signal on Avinashi Road. I steered the vehicle and stopped. Then when the driver was asking about the woman being knocked down, one of the traffic policemen who was there attacked, asking who we are we are to investigate this.

And do you know who owns that school bus? He sent the school bus driver away, snatched his cell phone and released me shortly after. ” said.

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