The five signs that can tell you if your mobile has been ‘hacked’

by time news

ABC Technology


Updated:06/06/2022 02:03h


The ‘malware‘ Mobile (computer virus) is one of the greatest risks to which a ‘smartphone’ is exposed, especially now that its use has increased exponentially with teleworking. From documents to bank details, passwords, personal and corporate information. More and more information is being stored on these devices, increasing the reasons why cybercriminals try to infect them. With this in mind, it is important that users are able to recognize signs that may show that a terminal has been ‘hacked‘.

“In general, mobile devices tend to be the most vulnerable to this type of attack because they are often not protected, making them an easy target for cybercriminals.

It is important to have security measures to protect the devices, since prevention is the best weapon to avoid any type of problem. It is now more important than ever to take all available precautions, as it is more and more common to store personal and corporate data on our mobile devices and, without any protection, becoming a victim of a cybercriminal is more than likely, “he explains. Eusebio Nieva, technical director of the cybersecurity company Check Point.

Works correctly?

One of the first signs that may indicate that malware has infected a mobile phone is that a slowdown of the device, that the ‘apps’ or programs are closed automatically for no apparent reason or even some tools, such as the flashlight, stop working. These changes are a red flag, especially if they happen after you have installed a program or clicked on a link that may have downloaded a malicious program.

Does it run out of charge fast?

If you don’t spend a lot of time using it and, in a conspicuous way and in a short space of time, the charge goes from being full to less than half, you have to check the device. To do this, it is recommended to access the settings section and, in the section dedicated to the battery, check which are the applications that consume the most to detect what may be the origin of the failure.

Do you run out of Internet?

If the data bill suddenly increases, it may be due to the download of applications without the user doing it proactively, since malicious ‘apps’ consume a lot of data when exchanging information with the command control center of a cyber criminal. To solve it, it is best to go to the list of apps and uninstall all those that are not familiar or known.

Do you see too much advertising?

In case ads start appearing in mobile notifications, it is almost certain that the device has a virus. Known as mobile adware, this type of malware aims to show unwanted ads on phone screen. When run, the ‘malware’ hides its icon to prevent it from being removed, while at the same time it starts distributing advertisements on the screen, regardless of whether the user is inside the application or not.

Does your phone send SMS on its own?

Another warning sign may be that unknown numbers appear in the list of calls, generally foreign. In addition, it may also be the case that the phone isAutonomously send SMS messages to unusual numbers or even to all contacts. This fact can not only generate an economic cost for the user, but also serves the cybercriminal to spread viruses by including malicious links in these messages. Therefore, if one month there is an increase in expenses for no apparent reason for services that have not been used, it is time to analyze the status of the device.

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