Reasons why you can find a trap immobilizing your car

by time news

S. M.

Updated:06/06/2022 00:49h


It is the nightmare of many drivers, going to pick up the car and realizing that it has been towed away. Or what can be worse, that they have immobilized him with a stocks. The latter usually happens because the administrations or traffic agents consider that the car or motorcycle continues to circulate is a danger.

Although normally the removal of the car by the crane is going to occur as a result of an infringement (normally a bad parking lot), the municipal tow truck or the service concessionaire is not always right, and there are a number of well-specified reasons in the legislation outside of which they will not be able to take our car.

But if this happens, you have to act as quickly as possible since, every hour that the car spends in the municipal tow truck, the amount to be paid will increase.

In any case, the performance time is going to be very important, because the more that elapses between when the tow truck has taken the vehicle and its removal, the more expensive it is going to be to recover our car. From Multayuda they recommend making a call to the municipal information telephone number (091 in the case of Madrid) to verify that it has indeed been removed by the crane, and locate the deposit to which it has been transferred.

In the case of the immobilization of the vehicle, the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) recalls from its Twitter profile the eleven elements for which they can put a trap or prohibit their circulation immediately:

child restraint systems: Carrying a child without the necessary child restraint system is reason enough to immobilize the vehicle. In addition, for safety reasons, we must check that it is in good condition and that, in the event of a collision, nothing will happen to the little ones.

Safe: If we do not have a valid policy, we can see how they prohibit us from continuing to circulate.

alcohol and drugs: To drive a vehicle, the driver must be in top condition. Therefore, if the agents verify that you have consumed alcohol or drugs, they can immobilize the vehicle.

authorization: When the vehicle lacks administrative authorization to circulate.

serious deficiencies: If the vehicle has significant deficiencies. And it is that some anomalies can pose a great risk not only for us, but also for the rest of the vehicles. Thus, for example, it will not be possible to circulate without headlights, with the damaged braking system, with serious blows or with the ITV suspended.

No helmet on the bike: The authorities can also immobilize a motorcycle or a moped. If the driver is not wearing a helmet, the vehicle will be stopped. This measure will not apply to cyclists without a helmet.

driving times: It is important to rest frequently while driving. That happens with all drivers, but even more so with professionals. In your case, the authorities may immobilize the vehicle if they see that it has been exceeded.

Charge: The occupation of the vehicle is also important. Taken to the extreme, if the number of authorized seats is exceeded by more than 50%, excluding the driver, it will be sufficient reason to stop the vehicle.

emissions: When the vehicle exceeds the levels of gases, smoke and noise allowed in each case.

Handling: If they detect that the control instruments, such as the speed limiter or the tachograph, have been tampered with.

Antiradares: Wearing a radar jammer is prohibited. For this reason, if it is verified that the vehicle is equipped with mechanisms or systems aimed at avoiding speed control, measures will be taken.

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