Bibi Claßen: YouTube star has to go to the emergency service! – People

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She’s suffering, he’s partying…

News from YouTube star Bibi Claßen (29): First the surprising separation from her husband Julian (29) after 13 years together, then kissing photos with a new lover – and now the influencer has to go to the emergency service! After her romantic trip to Italy with her probably new boyfriend Timothy Hill, Bibi’s health is poor.

Bibi reports to her fans via Instagram with worrying words: “Among other things, I haven’t reported that much in the last few days because my health wasn’t in top condition.”

What happened? The YouTuber is plagued by a nasty bladder infection that just won’t go away. Bibi’s self-medication failed, she tells her followers: “I was smart enough to think that I could get rid of it with home remedies and herbal teas alone. I kind of always had ups and downs and I was like, ‘Come on, I’ll try it first’.”

Photo: bibisbeautypalace/Instagram Verified Send Message Follow

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Bibi reports to her fans on the way to the emergency service and gives an update on her conditionPhoto: bibisbeautypalace/Instagram Verified Send Message Follow

But nothing helped: Bibi finally had to go to the medical emergency service. “Somehow it’s getting worse again at the moment and before I torture myself for another two or three days over the long weekend, I went to an ambulance and hope that they will issue me a prescription and then it will go away very quickly,” she reports .

Already knew? Lots of women get it Urinary tract infectionif they had a lot of sex. Tip: go to the toilet after the act…

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src=",w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width="1280" alt="Bibi mit Timothy Hill, der Manager aus Stuttgart soll seit Jahren zu dem engsten Kreis von Bibi und Julian gehören" data-zoom-title="Bibi mit Timothy Hill. Der Manager aus Stuttgart soll seit Jahren zu dem engsten Kreis von Bibi und Julian gehören

Photo: Twitter

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Bibi with Timothy Hill. The manager from Stuttgart has been part of Bibi and Julian’s closest circle for yearsPhoto: Twitter


While Bibi is struggling with her health, Julian seems to be enjoying his newfound singleness while partying. He’s going on a men’s trip to Vienna over the long weekend and let it rip in the city’s clubs!

With whom Julian spent his short trip? Ironically, with Bibi’s cousin Rafi! The two men get along great even after the separation of Bibi and Julian.

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src="" data-img-src=",w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" alt="Feuchtfröhliche Party-Schnappschüsse aus Julian Instagram-Story" data-zoom-title="Bibis Ex Julian ließ es in einem Wiener Club krachen

Photo: julienco_/Instagram

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Bibi’s ex Julian let it rip in a Viennese clubPhoto: julienco_/Instagram

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src=",w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width="1280" alt="Sie teilen sich sogar ein Bett: Julian versteht sich mit Bibis Cousin Rafi blendend" data-zoom-title="Jetzt teilt Julian mit IHM das Bett: Bibis Cousin Rafi (l.) ist sein Kumpel

Photo: julienco_/Instagram

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Now Julian shares the bed with HIM: Bibi’s cousin Rafi (left) is his buddyPhoto: julienco_/Instagram

How harmonious the male friendship with his ex’s cousin is also shown by common pictures on Instagram. Apparently, the Vienna weekend isn’t the first time the two have stepped through the table together. Under a photo, Julian thanks his ex-brother-in-law for a trip together in May. Rafi’s answer: “Very, very gladly! Will always be there for you …”

At least Bibi’s cousin seems to want Julian to stay in his life…

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src=",w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width="1280" alt="Stehen die Zeichen etwa auf Liebes-Comeback? Erst letzte Woche wurden Bibi und Julian bei einem gemeinsamen Dinner gesichtet" data-zoom-title="Stehen die Zeichen etwa auf Liebes-Comeback? Erst letzte Woche wurde Julian bei einem gemeinsamen Dinner mit einer Frau gesichtet, die schwer nach Bibi aussieht

Photo: private

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Are the signs pointing to a love comeback? Just last week, Julian was spotted having dinner with a woman who looks a lot like BibiPhoto: private

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