Neighbors wanted to dig a grave for a neighbor who died before Saturday

by time news

Long minutes of doubt as to what to do with the deceased, the late Rabbi Yisrael Mordechai Grobeis of Bnei Brak, who died suddenly two hours before Shabbat. Why not be buried in virtue? What decided Rabbi Gur’s followers? And what did Gramsci Klein and Geri Silman decide? | ‘In the Haredi Rooms’ on the quick burial on Saturday evening

Last Friday, on the eve of Shabbat and the holiday, around 4:00 PM, rescue forces were called to the home of the late Rabbi Yisrael Mordechai Grobeis, one of the most important Gur followers in the Ramat Elhanan neighborhood of Bnei Brak, where he collapsed. After my efforts CPR For about an hour, medical staff were forced to determine his death to the chagrin of family members and acquaintances.

This is where the question about the funeral began, since Rabbi Grobeis died two hours before Shabbat began, ZAKA volunteers from Tel Aviv Who immediately arrived at the scene heard from family members that their late father wanted to be buried a few Which is closer to his death (it is very well known that he ascends to Hitman near death and especially on the day Friday after midnight). Da Aka in the Purple Cemetery in Petah Tikva where there are affordable graves It is relatively not possible to hold funerals two and a half hours before Shabbat, for fear of desecrating Shabbat The number of participants in funerals.

Behadrei Haredim has learned that the widow called Rabbi Aryeh Zilberstein Puppy storks in Bnei Brak to consult with him on what to do. Rabbi Zilberstein decided that there was concern In honor of the dead and if possible they will buy a plot in the Ponivez cemetery in B.B. despite the high cost.

The volunteers contacted the management of the cemetery at the hospital and have already agreed on the burial site But here the Hasidic judge Gramash Klein from the rabbis of B’Tselem and from the rabbis of the Hevra Kadisha ordered not to make a funeral at a late hour So and decided that one should wait until the holiday comes out.

This is where Rabbi Yehuda Silman came into the picture, who heard the details from ZAKA Tel Aviv volunteers who were at the place, and Rabbi Silman called Rabbi Moshe Shaul Klein and after lengthy negotiations between the rabbis, the Gramash agreed to allow the funeral for two days and for people to die. They will not have time to arrive from outside and there is no fear of desecration of Shabbat by the lenders.

Geri Silman in a discussion about bringing the funeral forward. Photo: Courtesy of the photographer

The volunteers at the site recruited a number of neighbors who would quickly arrive at the cemetery on the outskirts of B’Tselem to dig the grave since the regular excavator would not be able to arrive in a short period of time. A ZAKA Tel Aviv ambulance quickly transferred the deceased to a purification ceremony and volunteers performed the purification and burial. One of the boys who managed to catch a taxi immediately from Jerusalem still had time to get to the funeral.

At the same time, ZAKA Tel Aviv volunteers worked with the police, led by ZAKA Tel Aviv School Kobi Partig, who was in contact with Bnei Brak police chiefs who understood the necessity of the matter and within minutes a mobile arrived and an officer signed the release of the deceased for burial. The funeral, (for any death outside a medical institution, the police must come and sign a release for burial, which sometimes takes a long time, etc.) as well as issuing a burial license with the Ministry of Health. Eventually the funeral ended at 19:00 45 minutes before sunset.

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