Legislative: pro-Macron leaders among French people abroad, breakthrough on the left

by time news

LThe candidates of the macronie arrived mainly in the lead on Sunday among the French from abroad in the first round of the legislative elections, with the exception of Manuel Valls, eliminated, preceded by the left alliance Nupes who qualified in 10 constituencies out of 11.

The defeat of Manuel Valls, invested by LREM, cast a chill but the boss of LREM, Stanislas Guérini, and the leader of outgoing deputies LREM Christophe Castaner, called on Monday to vote for the outgoing deputy and dissident candidate of the majority Stephane Vojetta. Former Minister Emmanuelle Wargon said of Mr. Valls that “it’s good to have breathing space in a political career”.

Mr. Castaner however denounced “the violence” of the reactions to the failure of Mr. Valls. “Good riddance” had proclaimed on social networks several members of the Nupes. “This is good news for democracy,” added the rebellious Manuel Bompard on Sud Radio.


“Despite the bugs and all the pitfalls and lack of control of the results, the Nupes candidates are present in 10 cases out of 11 in the second round (+5 compared to 2017)” welcomed Mr. Mélenchon on Twitter, and Nupes is in the lead in two of them. But it is absent in the 8th around the Mediterranean, including Italy and Israel, where outgoing deputy UDI Meyer Habib came out on top.

In a press release, LFI on Monday attacked the Minister of the Interior who, according to her, “does not know how to organize the police or elections”, citing “problems with the transmission of identification codes or necessary passwords”, “the presence of the only ballot of the Macronist candidate” in Bolivia, or even “Nupe electoral posters absent in New York”. She calls for “emergency measures to guarantee the democratic conditions of the second round”.

In the 1st constituency (North America), Roland Lescure, outgoing deputy of the macronie, came first (35.8%), but with a score lower than 2017 (58%) and closely followed by the candidate of Nupes (33 .06%), Florence Roger, according to a calculation based on results published by the Consulate of France in New York.

The city of New York is still an exception to this lackluster result with 50% of the votes in favor of Roland Lescure.

In the 6th (Switzerland), outgoing deputy Joachim Son-Forget, elected in 2017 for LREM before flirting with the far right, was eliminated, in favor of Marc Ferracci, an economist close to Emmanuel Macron.

The Polynesians, who voted on Saturday, also placed in the lead the candidates invested by the presidential majority in the first (Nicole Bouteau, 41.9%) and the second constituencies (Tepuaraurii Teriitahi, 33.2%). In the third, however, it was the outgoing Moetai Brotherson, who sat with the Communists in the Assembly, who came out on top (34.2%), two points ahead of the Macronist candidate.

French people living abroad seem to have mobilized more than in 2017 (19.1%) according to provisional figures.

Even more than in the presidential election, abstention is expected at a record level for a first round on June 12 (52 or 53% according to the polls against 51.3% in 2017).


The abstention of young people and the working classes could benefit the current majority, which relies on an older and more affluent electorate than that of the RN or the Nupes, believe specialists.

But “the concern is there” among the macronists, explained Sunday on LCI the pollster Frédéric Dabi (Ifop) because “there are hypotheses which would give relative majorities” to the camp of Emmanuel Macron, under the absolute majority of 289 seats .

The presidential majority would precede the Nupes (LFI, EELV, PS, PC) which could reach between 170 and 205 seats, ahead of LR (35 to 55 deputies) and the RN (20 to 50 seats), according to Ifop.

But “the scenario of an absolute majority for the Nupes is for the moment excluded”, according to Mr. Dabi.

In this context Stanislas Guérini called on Monday to campaign “even stronger” for the first round “against the cartel” of the left.

On the far right, Marine Le Pen, hitherto very discreet, assured Sunday that there was “still time to prevent Macron from having all the powers” and to “overcome the curse of an unfair voting system, which keeps a worm-eaten system in place”, calling on his supporters to “give him 100 to 150 deputies”.


06/06/2022 22:42:03 – Paris (AFP) – © 2022 AFP

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