Electricity price today Tuesday June 7: these are the cheapest hours

by time news

The price of electricity today falls.

The price of electricity today falls very slightly and reaches 193.32 euros / MWh. on average in the wholesale market. Check the price of electricity hour by hour

Iñigo Galparsoro

The price of electricity today falls. This Tuesday, June 7, the cost of electricity will experience a slight decrease and will drop by 0.83%, something that will be reflected in the electricity bill at the end of the month. In other words, putting on the washing machine, using the dishwasher or turning on the oven will today be less demanding for the pocket after the price of electricity in the wholesale market (‘pool’) has reached 193.32 euros per MWh. on average

With this drop in the price of electricity, the cost of electricity remains below the barrier of 200 euros per MWh, a record that, although it continues to be very high, has nothing to do with those of last month of March, when levels of up to 544 euros per megawatt hour were reached. All in all, the imminent cap on the price of gas will cause the price of electricity to suffer a significant reduction for those who are covered by the PVPC rate.

Price of electricity hour by hour (in MWh.)

The price of electricity on the wholesale market directly influences the final cost that the consumer has to pay to start up their appliances. Hence, for all those users covered by the Voluntary Price for Small Consumers (PVPC), the average cost set by OMIE today is 193.32 euros/MWh, before adding tolls and corresponding charges to the pool.

Thus, today the price of the electricity tariff will be cheaper in the middle of the afternoon, specifically between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. In this range, the average cost of electricity will be 164.07 euros / MWh, which will make it a perfect time to start up the appliances that consume the most in our home. Less affordable for the pocket will be to do it today at dinner time, between 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m., when the final price of electricity will skyrocket to 228.81 euros / MWh.

Electricity price today June 7

  • cheapest time
    between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., with 164.07 euros / MWh.

  • most expensive hour
    between 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m., with 228.81 euros / MWh.

With these records in mind, today it will be key to know at what time the electricity is cheaper, since between the off-peak time (cheapest hours) and the peak time (the most expensive) there will be a difference of 64.74 euros / MWh.

The price of electricity today hour by hour

Time | electricity price

Time | electricity price

00h – 01h: 207,62 euros / MWh

12h – 13h: 195,96 euros / MWh

01h – 02h: 190,9 euros / MWh

13h – 14h: 185 euros / MWh

02h – 03h: 179,27 euros / MWh

14h – 15h: 173,8 euros / MWh

03h – 04h: 176 euros / MWh

15h – 16h: 164,99 euros / MWh

04h – 05h: 174,75 euros / MWh

16h – 17h: 164,07 euros / MWh

05h – 06h: 174,75 euros / MWh

17h – 18h: 173,1 euros / MWh

06h – 07h: 175,7 euros / MWh

18h – 19h: 178,3 euros / MWh

07h – 08h: 216,93 euros / MWh

19h – 20h: 196,34 euros / MWh

08h – 09h: 220,12 euros / MWh

20h – 21h: 227,46 euros / MWh

09h – 10h: 210,99 euros / MWh

21h – 22h: 228,81 euros / MWh

10h – 11h: 196,95 euros / MWh

22h – 23h: 220,26 euros / MWh

11h – 12h: 196,65 euros / MWh

23h – 24h: 210,97 euros / MWh

The electric ‘pool’, at 193.32 euros / MWh.

This Tuesday, the average price of the electricity pool – the wholesale market in which energy is bought and sold on a daily basis – will be 1.62 euros lower than the 194.94 euros / MWh. registered this Monday, as announced by the Iberian Energy Market Operator (OMIE). The prices of the ‘pool’ have a direct impact on the regulated rate -the so-called PVPC-, to which almost 11 million consumers in the country are covered, and serve as a reference for the other 17 million who have contracted their supply in the free market . Compared to a year ago, the average price of electricity for this Tuesday is 142.59% more expensive than the 79.69 euros/MWh of June 7, 2021.

For this reason, one more day the price of electricity will vary significantly hour by hour throughout the day, depending on the tolls and charges established in each of the time slots of the electricity rate. In fact, the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) has verified that in 2021, in the framework of the upward spiral of energy, around 1.25 million people switched from the PVPC to a rate in the free market at a fixed price.

Evolution of the price of electricity (in euros / MWh.)

  • Price June 7, Tuesday:
    193,32 euros / MWh.

  • Price June 6, Monday:
    194,94 euros/MWh

  • Price June 5, Sunday:
    193,65 euros / MWh.

  • Price June 4, Saturday:
    203,86 euros/MWh

  • Price June 3, Friday:
    214,5 euros / MWh.

  • Price June 2, Thursday:
    214,74 euros / MWh.

  • Price June 1, Wednesday:
    210,45 euros / MWh.

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