Legislative: Macronie and Nupes at loggerheads

by time news

A five days before the first round of the legislative elections, the campaign is turning sour between the camps of Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who has made a breakthrough in the vote of French people living abroad.

The tone continued to rise throughout the weekend of Pentecost, the leader of the RN Marine Le Pen returning to the arena to attack both Emmnanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon with whom she disputes the place first opponent.

The boss of La République en Marche, Stanislas Guérini, called on Monday to campaign “even stronger” for the first round on Sunday.

“Now we have to win. We must come together against the Mélenchonist cartel”, insisted Stanislas Guérini, for whom the Nupes, “it is submission to Jean-Luc Mélenchon” and “the disguised exit from Europe, the exit NATO” and “nuclear”.

Emmanuel Macron should make several trips this week to “illustrate the priorities of the five-year term”, focused “on youth and daily safety” after health and education last week, his entourage told AFP.

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne will give a long interview to France Bleue after a campaign weekend in her Calvados constituency, accompanied on Saturday by Edouard Philippe.

The candidates of the macronie arrived mainly in the lead among the French abroad but the Nupes made a breakthrough, by qualifying in 10 out of 11 constituencies, instead of 5 in 2017.

Illustration of this dynamic, a pillar of the macronie and outgoing deputy, Roland Lescure, came first (35.08%) but with 22 points less than in 2017 and closely followed by the candidate of the Nupes Florence Roger (33% ).

After this advance, Manuel Bompard, Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s right arm, repeated “strong belief” in the possibility of a majority of the Nupes in the Assembly, for Mr. Mélenchon to become “Prime Minister”.

He sent an unwelcome response to Emmanuel Macron who affirmed that “no political party can impose a name on the president”: “if a good man, you are going to name him!”, Said the right arm of Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

A surge that immediately sparked the ire of macronists, starting with government spokesperson Olivia Grégoire. “You are shamelessly flouting the most basic republican respect,” she said on Twitter.

Calls for mobilization

Jean-Luc Mélenchon has drawn new wrath by tweeting “the police are killing” after a check after which a passenger was killed by police fire on Saturday in Paris.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin protested against these statements, saying that insulting the police “dishonours those who want to govern”.

Marine Le Pen also strongly attacked her left-wing rival: “A few days before his political retirement, he therefore made the choice of dishonor by breaking definitively with the values ​​of the French Republic”, slammed Ms. Le Pen.

The presidential runner-up also targeted the re-elected president, assuring on Sunday that there was “still time to prevent Macron from having all the powers” and to “overcome the curse of an unfair voting system, which maintains in place a worm-eaten system”, multiplying the calls for mobilization.

“Not only go vote but give me 100 to 150 deputies. Help me to help you”, she pleaded while her electorate, working classes and young people in mind, is more inclined than others to abstain and that until now she was only talking about 15 or even 60 MEPs.

The far-right candidate will be in Loiret on Tuesday to support the RN candidate Thomas Ménagé, in a position to win against … the former Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer.

The former minister was sprayed with whipped cream by two teachers on Saturday and received the support of the political class who denounce the regular violence against elected officials.

Prosecuted for “violence in meetings that did not result in total incapacity for work”, the two teachers explained to AFP that they had not premeditated their act and denounced on Twitter a National Education “in free fall” while Mr. Blanquer “has his parachute for the legislative elections”.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Nupes will hold a press conference on Tuesday to present their economic proposals.

07/06/2022 04:06:41 – Paris (AFP) – © 2022 AFP

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