The Salone del Mobile is back and people are queuing up to visit it

by time news – The 60 edition of the Milan Furniture Fair officially kicks off with the ribbon cutting in the pavilions of the Rho fair. The wait for this edition is greatafter two years of pandemic in which the international design fair once failed and another was held in a different and reduced format, with a supersalone.

Completely different situation today, with the queue of visitors at the entrances to the fair where the latest creations of 2,200 exhibitors from all over the world are found. This edition of the Salone is marked by a fatal accident at work. A historical set up of the fair, Gastone Faraoni, fell ill on Sunday, while he was working in a pavilion and died.

The opening was attended by ministers Giancarlo Giorgetti and Elena Bonetti, together with the mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala, the president of the Region Attilio Fontana. Present were the president of the Fiera Milano Foundation Enrico Pazzali, the CEO of Fiera Milano Luca Palermo, the president of FederlegnoArredo Claudio Feltrin, the president of Fiera Milano Carlo Bonomi as well as president of Confindustria and the prefect Renato Saccone.

“The sixtieth edition of the Salone del Mobile after the painful restrictions caused by the pandemic, marks the return to an event of absolute importance in a significant sector of the national economy and a leading element of Made in Italy. It is an affirmation of courage and tenacity that should be appreciated “. This is said by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, in the message sent to Maria Porro.” The wood and furniture supply chain – he continues – characterized by high competitiveness, high intensity of innovation and well-established organizational efficiency and constitutes an area in which the creativity of Italian small and medium-sized enterprises constantly reaches one of its highest expressions. Proof of this are the many creations that each year are successful in global markets and help to strengthen the image of Italian style in the world “.

“The international crisis underway with the aggression against Ukraine by the Russian Federation is causing situations of serious difficulty in the global economy with negative repercussions – warns Mattarella – on the signs of economic recovery that had been registered in our country” .

“It is necessary to renew the commitment of the institutions and all the economic and social forces to avoid the involution of the economic cycle. In this perspective, the reform program envisaged as part of the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan becomes central to making our most competitive country “, underlines the Head of State.

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