The Political Riddle: What Will Gideon Saar Do? // Interpretation

by time news

In the last few hours, the eyes of politicians have been on one politician – Gideon Saar – who has been sending threatening messages in recent days that the fall of the Judea and Samaria law will lead to the dissolution of the government. The skilled minister and MK

In recent hours, quite a few Knesset members and members of the political echelon have been sitting next to political reporters biting their nails, all waiting for Justice Minister Gideon Saar to hear how he will react and act in the face of the fall of Judea and Samaria by his Arab coalition partners. .

Let’s try to dive together into Gideon Saar’s head and understand the intricate dilemma facing him, finally, the government is the same government he entered and understood faster than expected that the partners RAAM and Meretz will not give him what he asks, he was first exposed in the Citizenship Law and then in a variety of laws More.

On the other hand, the courage required to dismantle the government is the same courage required of a single MK who will dissolve the Knesset in a preliminary reading, which will increase the chances of forming a right-wing government in the current Knesset or dissolving the Knesset and advancing elections.

Inside the head of the skilled politician Gideon Saar, the following dilemma runs: the government is in twilight, so he decided to flood the message that it is controlled by the Prime Minister even though it is not new at all, among other things Saar insisted on voting for the law Of his Arab partners, Eli also wanted to prove to his voters that the attempt to integrate an Arab party into a right-wing government – failed.

Saar, who wants to restore his public status, sees the government in its last breaths, is connected to oxygen and can survive for several more weeks, and on the other hand he sees the elections on the horizon, with polls predicting a bad scenario or an alternative government led by Benjamin Netanyahu.

Saar’s fear of elections is real, Gantz, ‘right’ (in whatever format he will face) and ‘Yisrael Beiteinu’ will bite him so much that he may find himself at home ending a political career in a shameful and humiliating way, as someone who had the potential to lead the country until recently Years, and now as one man will return home and march with his son David.

On the other hand, the second option is convenient but also complicated, returning to the government led by Benjamin Netanyahu means a blatant violation of the new commitment of new hope throughout the election campaign that he did not sit in the government under Netanyahu, when the scenario of seeing the two sitting side by side is unfounded.

Saar in the coming days will have to make a difficult decision, whether to continue to take part in a dying government, whether to push for elections and try to improve his status or whether to swallow the frog and join the Netanyahu-led government where he will find quite a few ladders to help him get off the tree.

You are probably asking, which one will he choose? So the fun and challenging part of politics is that it’s hard to know, just enjoy the best show in town.

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